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China Youth Travel Service | China | Sichuan | Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha | Emeishan
Emeishan Mountain
Brief Introduction
Emei Temples & Shrine
10 most Famous Spots
4 Wonders of Emeishan
Leshan Giant Buddha
World Wonder
Protection of Buddha
Tours Itinerary
HI, Welcome to Sichuan!
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Real Shangri-La
Yangtze River Cruise
Three Georges
Giant Buddha
Emeishan, Leshan
East Alps
Mt. Siguniang
Icy World
Hailuogou Glacier
China's Treasure
Wolong Pandas
Ancient Irrigation
Dujiangyang Weir
Lost Civilization
Sanxingdui Relics
Last Updated!

Four Wonders of Emeishan Mountain
On the Golden Summit, there are four spectacular displays: Sunrise, Buddhist Halo, a Sea of Cloud and the "Sacred Lamp". They are the most attractive miraculous phenomenon to the tourists from home and abroad.

Emeishan Cloudy Sea
Cloudy Sea
Cloudy Sea
Mt. Emeishan Cloudy Sea
Mt. Emeishan Cloudy Sea
Visitors at Golden Summit to see Sunrise
Visitors at Golden Summit to see Sunrise
Buddhist Halo Buddhist Halo
Buddhist Halo