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China Youth Travel Service | China | Sichuan | Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha
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Jiuzhaigou Valley
Real Shangri-La
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Giant Buddha
Emeishan, Leshan
East Alps
Mt. Siguniang
Icy World
Hailuogou Glacier
China's Treasure
Wolong Pandas
Ancient Irrigation
Dujiangyang Weir
Lost Civilization
Sanxingdui Relics

 Cloudy Sea of Emei MountainEmeishan Moutain: It is said that Mt. Emei was derived its name from the face that peaks are opposite each other like eyebrows. Mt.Emei is one of China's four Buddhist shrines. The whole mountain is over 200 kilometers in length and breadth......
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  The face of the giant Buddha, Leshan Statue of BuddhaThe Leshan Status of Buddha is the biggest stone carving in the world, which was cut in the Tang dynasty (618-907). The project was so huge that construction lasted 90 years. There is a well-designed drainage system under the statue. It has been well preserved for over 1, 200 years.
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Leshan Map
2D1N Package Tour: Mt. Emeishan & Leshan Giant Buddha
3D2N Mt. Emeishan & Leshan Giant Buddha
6D5N Jiuzhaigou Valley - Huanglong - Mountain Emeishan - Leshan Giant Buddha Tour
10D9N Jiuzhaigou Valley - Huanglong - Mountain Emeishan - Leshan Giant Buddha - Yangtze River Cruise
China Travel Self-Help Buffet : Here we offers programs & budget on separate items. Hotels, car rent, scenic spots, performance, Just make them up as you wish , to specialize your own private tour!

Photo Gallery of Emeishan Mountain & Leshan Giant Buddha
Leshan Sleeping BuddhaLeshan Sleeping Buddha

Travel Handbook of Emei and Leshan
Emei and Leshan Hotels Chengdu Hotels Weather & Climate
Transportation & Car Rent Food & Beverage Notice