Bitahai Lake Scenic Resort
primitive cover of coniferour trees, and highland lakes, are hallmarks
of the Bitahai Lake Scenic Resort, a 1,418 - hectare nature reserve at
an altitude of 3,539 meters and 25 kilometers east of Zhongdian County.
The Bitahai Lake, lying 3,539 meters above sea level in the heart of the
nature reseve, covers 166 hectares with an average depth of 20 meters
and transparency of a dozen meters. Trees of tender and graceful foliage,
and groves of azaleas in a riot of color, are scattered providently around
the lake. A cruise on the lake is suggestive of a pleasant journey into
the unadorned beauty of nature. It takes about 90 minutes to cover the
sever - kilometer trop from the end of a highway to Bitahai Lake by foot
or horse.