Tashihunpo Monastery
The Tashilhunpo Monastery sprawls on the slope of Mt.Niser,southwest of
Shigatse .It covers an area of about 300,000 square meters with a floor
space of about 30,000 sqiare ,eters.Painted in red and white, the buildings
in the monastery stand closely together in terraced rows,offering a grand
and majestic view. The monastery was founded in 1447 by Gendun Zhuba,
one of the principal disciples of the Founder of the Yellow Sect Zongkaba,
and was then enlarged consistently by different generations of panchen
Lama until it acquired its present dimensions.Gendun Zhuba was first abbot
of the monastery,and in 1600 at the invitation of the monastery,the 4th
Panchen lama became the 16th abbot of it,thus made the monastery abode
of the succeeding Panchen lamas ever since. There are many valuable and
rare historical articles in the monastery,among them are found a lot of
gold and jade signets, and imperial certificates bestowed by Emoerors
of the Ming and Qing Dynasties as well as a seal of "Daitu" of the Yuan
Dynasty scribed in the new Mongolian language reformed by Basba.They are
of great value for the study of history.