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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Tea Horse Road will be the focus of the protection of cultural lines in our province

Published: February 14, 2011

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The next 5 years, the province will be large projects with major heritage conservation projects, based on Tea Horse Road which will be the protection of cultural lines. This is the news recently from the provincial cultural relics in 2011 the meeting was informed of the news.

"Tea Horse Road" are mainly located in Chengdu, Ya'an, Ganzi, Aba and Liangshan and other places, connecting the ancient Sichuan, Tibet , Yunnan, an important channel, but also the history of Han, Tibetan and fusion of two great civilizations important channel for the exchange occurred. In 2010, the province declared Cha seventh national cultural relics protection units, within the city of Chengdu has been completed along the Tea Horse Road heritage research, and the formation of Special Research Report. Stakeholders Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, told reporters this year, a full investigation will be organized professionals along the Tea Horse Road distribution and conservation of heritage, to launch a number of large projects to rescue the heritage body, to improve the living environment and heritage of local people's living conditions.

The next 5 years, the province will focus on protection of cultural relics rescue areas and old revolutionary base areas to the national tilt, full to find out the province Tibetan, Yi area, Qinling Mountains, the distribution of old revolutionary base areas and conservation of heritage, through the implementation of the project to promote local sustainable and harmonious economic and social development. Source: Sichuan Daily

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