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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Variable crossing corridor for tourism

Published: February 14, 2011

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Explore the town of Shifang Red Transformation Road Reconstruction -

Recently, the "one corridor five areas" as the framework of the "red tourism planning (draft)" compilation complete, as the only site of Longmen Mountain earthquake reconstruction of town, Shifang, Deyang Red Sun Valley town of the future will be the core area to expansion of the surrounding canyon radiation. Red, by the mining service town to town quietly tourism transformation.

Reserve space for tourism development

After two years of hard, "the mountains made the city" very severely affected the town red and white of the post-disaster reconstruction has been completed, but the town party secretary Chen Yutang in the red and white view, the reconstruction after the end of the biggest problems faced, one mountain masses survival and development, and second, town economy's recovery and sustainable development.

Largest economy in the past the town red and white pillars to provide services for the Gold Creek phosphate rock, phosphate rock mining of gold River of less than 10 years left, the future rely on industry to develop the town red? Before the earthquake the more mature young cattle Da, Tung Ying Shan River area and the scenic mountains, as the roads are blocked, as the gem of the mountains, waiting to be opened.

Reconstructed red and white, the original four coal mining enterprises to integrate the two, determined by the town before the earthquake of industrial services, gradually transforming the tourism-oriented town. Market town built a memorial and pay homage to the moon the sun's Red Square, the white field, Beijing reconstruction side Shihai deliberately in planning the most commercial development value of the land left behind, as the introduction of resorts in the area. Walk around the town along the field, every household reserved facade, Ying Wu Gui Shan plateau in the redevelopment of the villages, but also take full account of the tourist reception capacity. Meanwhile, the wide blue highway, Red Gap Road, Chung Gap road transport infrastructure rehabilitation, both for the tourism industry to develop the town red and white to provide a strong guarantee.

Last August, Shifang Municipal Bureau of Tourism deputy director Lu Quangui serve as deputy party secretary of the town red, white, red and started research and development of tourism master plan. Three months later, a thick layer of "Red Town, Shifang City Tourism Master Plan (Draft)" Compilation complete. "Red tourism market town should take the initiative to undertake the transfer and radiation, and actively integrate into the two-hour economic circle of Chengdu, the economic development of tourism as a leading industry in the area." Lu Gui-quan said.

Changes in transit for the corridor

Resource distribution under the industrial area, land status and development trend of the overall layout of the tourist town of red and white to red canyon at the core area of radiation to the expansion of the surrounding valley "one gallery five areas" (Sun Valley ecotourism corridor, red Baiji Zhen Shu Cultural District, Gap horses mouth health (old) recreation area, Wuguishan family health (old) recreation area, through River Health (old) recreation areas, scenic green cattle Da), which recently developed the "four areas of a Gallery" , blue bull and scenic as the long-term goal powered.

"Ying Shan mountain area, Zhong Ding Temple area, a red and white market town will form a complete ring of tourism, the tourism corridor crossing change." Luquan Gui drawing open to reporters, "a corridor in four districts", the Sun Valley ecotourism will be built along the corridor of sports and recreation, experience, travel in one of the Green Road Network, as self-drive tourists and riding bicycles to provide integrated service station. Red and white market town in the construction of the ancient Shu culture and the surrounding area, improve the town's tourist distribution services, entertainment and shopping and other functions; in the Gap family health horses mouth and Wu Gui (old) recreation areas, health apartment building, forest adventure area, Forest Oxygen Bar, traditional Chinese medicine health museum, eco-agriculture demonstration zones planting; building through River Health (old) recreation areas, outdoor sports club building, expanding training base, camping and rafting experience area.

In the red (white) Gap (horses mouth) Valley, introduced last year, led the villagers to Chengdu, the company is "joint construction on behalf of the dependent" mode of operation on behalf of the Yang Park, becoming the most valuable post-disaster attempt to mountain development. On behalf of the Ying Yang Hua Shan Park area will be based on environmental and climatic characteristics of cold-water fish, running pheasant, pig farming, and three wood forest herbs, wild vegetables and ecological tea cultivation, construction of health such as residential areas, driving people to get rich.

According to the plan, "a corridor in four districts," the construction started from 2011 to early 2012, the first phase of the project entered the preliminary stages of business, tourists in 2013 to 30 million passengers. Source: Sichuan Daily

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