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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Cheddar short squeeze by starting car Qingchengshan direction

Published: February 14, 2011

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Reporter learned yesterday from the station in Chengdu, the Festival passenger flow remained at a high level, the direction in which long-distance passenger traffic over crowded, the province Panzhihua, Xichang and other relatively short crowded cars, in order to facilitate passenger travel, the railway sector since yesterday, an additional Qingchengshan 1 on motor car, the direction of Camp Hill Pro 20 buses, and add some hanging sleeper car trips.

Specifically: February 13-22 ~ Camp Hill, Chengdu additional k9506 / 5 times 20; February 13 from Chengdu ~ additional Qingchengshan d6131 / 2 times motor car 1 pair. February 14-28 at Chengdu open k1273 / 2 times the group linked to seat a plus; February 14th meeting in Chengdu to open k853 group plus a hard peg; February 13 to open k9456 times Panzhihua, Chengdu, February 16 Canada to open k9455 linked to hard times Group 1; February 13th meeting in Chengdu Nankai t8865, February 14 Xichang open t8866 subgroup plus one hanging soft, hard one; February 13, Guiyang open t8898 / 9 times Canadian group linked to seat three; February 13 Panzhihua open k9472/69 times, February 14 Longchang open k9470 / 1 sub-group, plus two hard peg, soft one. Source: Huaxi Dushi Bao

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Outstanding integrity Sichuan Travel - Sichuan Travel Association issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
Advanced unit in the province's tourism - Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
China Travel Service Association - issued by the Association - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
Advanced Unit of the province's tourism - Tourism Industry Development Leading Group issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
YeePay Qualification - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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