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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Dujiangyan set a year ahead of trip tickets or just 9 dollars Qingchengshan

Published: February 14, 2011

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2011, held yesterday in Dujiangyan City, two upload a message: from the middle of this month, visitors to purchase online a year ahead of Dujiangyan or Qingchengshan tickets, just 9 dollars ( Dujiangyan , Qingchengshan original price of the ticket 90 yuan). Dujiangyan municipal government work report: The city will be the largest tourism core area and the Longmen Qingcheng the travel hub for the carrier, accelerate the improvement of tourism service system, and vigorously promote the tourism infrastructure and major projects.

Dujiangyan City Tourism Bureau Lu Hongbin, said the city this year, and Temple will travel and aviation cooperation, have launched more than 20 concessions for tourists. Currently, the new year tourism marketing program has been initially completed, which includes: the Shuangliu Airport, Temple purchased Dujiangyan tickets, you can take the free bus to Dujiangyan Qingcheng Mountain , visitors to buy a year ahead of Dujiangyan , Qingchengshan 9 dollar ticket (1 pack), 11 months ahead of schedule to 18 (2 fold) and so on. "Next Wednesday announced the fastest specific rules for the operation, domestic and foreign tourists can enjoy all the benefits associated." Lu Hongbin said that from May 1 this year began, the use of real names of visitors purchased tickets through a special system of recognition after 2 days, effective use can be repeated. Source: Huaxi Dushi Bao

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