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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Valentine's Day love full of rocks similar to the domestic happiness of coordinates for the Traveller

Published: February 14, 2011

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Already in the air is filled with sweet, Valentine's Day is coming again, why not bring a loved one child, on a journey. Beautiful scenery, time alone is two, the journey of love those moving elements, and make love the people more sweetly.
【Meet: Xiamen】
Sweet Index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Gulangyu romantic manifesto: men and women, there is neither charming story of the world, and no touching love story, he was known as the "love of all." All because the scenery is so beautiful here, as catalyst, to spend a lot of love here in the beautiful bloom and bear sweet fruit.
Postcard scenery sunny days, the sea can often be seen wearing a white gauze of the bride, smiling woman with the groom, so that behind the patch of blue, fixed in the life of the most important moments. In Xiamen, this picture is very unusual, the city seems to form lasting bonds with love born.
Filled with new eyes smile on people face, moved to the city's rivers and mountains, you can instantly understand why it can capture the favor of lovers - it is enough beauty and romance. Bright sun, blue sea, white sandy beaches, there is that the beauty of flowers and greenery dotted with small islands under the ... ... Walking in Xiamen, no matter from which the shots, both the United States if the postcard scenery.
If you do not Gulangyu, would be a pity, especially for people who love. This is the most famous scenic spots in Xiamen, a long quiet streets, flowers and set off under the South Pacific style architecture, the pure beauty of the waterfront, is its charm. Island ferry to board the shuttle in the winding streets of staggered along the way the sea breeze was blowing, accompanied by the occasional sound of the piano. Climb the trees along streets and alleys at the back, stands a splendid variety of European architecture. Free to press the shutter, light is clear, bright colors. This gorgeous island, and the beloved children walking hand in hand, love quietly grow ... ...

Xiamen scenery

Sweet lover

And love of people came to Xiamen, in addition to sidewalks where the beautiful scenery, enjoy the Erbinsimo two days, or even by its exquisite Cheng Kuo, leisurely pace, attracted by the laughter of the crowd, trying to produce a home in impulse to the city.
For the lovers, the way to go cycling around the island, is a very important item on his agenda. Road winds around the island, such as ribbons, extending to the deep blue sky and clouds, the tandem bicycle ride Petty Bourgeoisie, unrivaled views of one side of the road, accompanied by a loved one there, no wonder some people call this in Xiamen " The most romantic thing. " No matter how old, can bring the beloved ta, driving in this picturesque road. Nothing romantic age, just about love.
Or both together go to Xiamen University. Maybe God is especially favored in Xiamen, so that was comparable to scholarly institutions have beautiful scenic beauty to visitors will include it in their unconscious Xiamen itinerary. Walk in the mottled shade, shuttle between the elegant premises, suddenly, the time seems backwards, dreams of innocent school days.
If you get enough, you can walk to Jimei. Here are both pregnant with beauty of the land, and many buildings there, near a charming beach, just like a pleasant tourist destination. Church buildings are tall and magnificent hall, or those Longji phoenix canopies, carved beams of the pavilion, are each with ingenuity. These must be attributed to the Chinese named Tan Kah Kee. To Jimei, do not forget to take the opportunity to go to Mr Chen's memorial - Ao Park, back together, some to visit the former residence of Tan Kah Kee.
【Meet: Hangzhou】
Sweet Index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Romantic West Lake in Hangzhou Declaration: In addition to "paradise", the city is still a more attractive name of "City of Love." It is said that, here and love the many sights as many as fifty. Many of them have long been familiar sights are situated in the total cash Yihe affordable West Lake. In this day of love, compared with the lovers travel together, not a good feeling in their hearts. Even the cold air, seems to have filled with the sweet fragrance.
Looking for love story

Views may be West Lake, Hangzhou's so beautiful, so many beautiful love legend staged here. Time in the story of those away, it touches people to now leave a lot of places worth exploring. Valentine's Day, and the beloved ta, to look for that legendary, appreciate the love moving.
West Lake scenery are everywhere. Grassland, Xiumu, flowers, pavilions, as well as pairs of children who stay forever. Those pebbles, tiles paved trails, drawing the people met with a story: White Snake and Xu Xian meets the bridge, Butterfly Lovers Shibaxiangsong of Longbridge, touching Su Xiaoxiao tomb ... ... West Lake of the love story, or in deep shade, or on top of the Silk, waiting for the caring people in the search. A turn, once the head, may be able to hit with them a pride.
Love the road ten

Beauty of Hangzhou, Hangzhou has "ten love the road", the reason why there is this argument, because Hangzhou, a romantic, it is the Qin to the bones, even those city roads, all roads have been furnished elegantly chic, do not lose date of any other couple in the land.
Jade ancient road leading many locals to her as "the most beautiful road Hangzhou." Yu-Ling Yin Road, Old Road extension to that period, the bright sunshine, green street freehand, stop-and-go boys and girls who love the best is the scenery.
Mei Ling Road is a pack of mountain air, fresh and moist air, road clean and simple, Zhu Feng Han Yan Ning Tsui far West, near the roadside farm is like, down the road, all the way is constantly transform the landscape. Tianzhu Road from the side of the road turned into a name, you can also take a trip to the temple mentioned Yu, taste the famous vegetarian.
Close to Hangzhou from Shanghai, by car to the most suitable. High Speed Rail can also be direct, the frequency of the fastest 45 minutes.
【Meet: Lushan】
Sweet Index: ★ ★ ★ ★

Lushan snow romantic manifesto: the mountains play back the movie "Love Lushan Mountain", bring in old days moved. Lushan at a time when more visitors because of ice and snow, available add a fairy-tale mood. A special holiday, couple of people a pair of beautiful winter tour, private enjoy this romantic journey, just right.
Showing the most Valentine's Day romance, watching a movie is always unavoidable. If you are watching a Lushan "Lushan Love", meaning it is extraordinary. The mountain every day for the visitors cinemas showing this sensational 80s of last century romance. Each time to enjoy this film, like a taste of a glass of wine, that mellow a long time to permeate the heart. And it also created a world record, is the world's largest film screenings to play.
After watching the film, go to the streets around Kuling. Side of the mountain desert valley, one side is bustling markets, so that the wonders of this must have been cause for a sigh, but did not say the thousands of villas here, as if Zuozuo exquisite works of art. Middle of the street stood the park, you can view the distant city of Jiujiang.
Lushan snow over snow and ice can also catch a view. In winter, snow will be continuous throughout the Lushan dressed as white palace, there is that peculiar rime, rime, fishes such as needles, collections like Ock, creating a "a thousand mountains of ice Yuli, Wan Feng Crystal in" The Different views . If particularly cold day, past waterfalls three thousand feet of Sandiequan will become crystal clear in the icefall.
Lushan at a time when the off-season travel, not many tourists, so bring a loved one most suitable for children, private enjoy this quiet, romantic journey. Walk through the snow, enjoy the scenery, snowmen, snowball fights, all alone among the lovers are sweet. Source: China Network

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Advanced unit in the province's tourism - Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
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