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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Art District in Chengdu, how even better?

Published: February 12, 2011

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Chinese New Year has just passed, "thick Park," "Blue Roof" and other major arts district began preparations for a new person in charge of the exhibition of the year, and artists began to create. Had become the cultural landscape of the city's major art area is all ready to flex its muscles in the new year? Press survey found that the rise of a few years ago worked in several art district of Chengdu development is uneven.

Reporter survey】
Arts District, a few happy some unhappy

February 10, the reporter arrived at the new capital district of Chengdu Art District, North Village. This was built in a factory in the Arts District has since brought together famous painter Duoling, Liu Yong and many young artists and famous. Today, the plant outside the column, the "North Village Art District" signs have blurred, and not far away, a logistics company has put up new signs.

"North Village Arts District has been disintegrated in the beginning of last year, and now I'm planning to find a new place, a new way to re-Arts District." Former mayor North Village Arts District, Chengdu, Sichuan Conservatory of Music Department of Fine Arts painting seems Yong some frustration.

Blue House Art Center in Chengdu one of the artist A Jiana e district, told reporters here recently came the news that will be the demolition. According to report, by the surrounding environment, including Chunya some well-known artists, including the studios have already moved to Chengdu, Trinity Township, "Lotus Pond," the Blue House Art Center.

With the North Village and the "old Blue Roof" is different from the other arts district of Chengdu was farther good: thick Park International Art Village, stay more than 40 people since 2005, has now been brought together more than 200 artists, 2009 was also named Cultural Industry Model Base in Sichuan Province. The Village is located in Qingyang District, Chengdu, Arts District ambitious: to build a set in 2-3 years, the original design, production, trading in an integrated arts and cultural enclave.

【Click】 Case
Concentration Park: Self-development needs

"We are now in full swing to prepare for double the 'Art of China' project, expected in May before the park can be opened here, Garden Art," Feb. 10, the Chengdu International Art Village Park thick Liu Haibo, director of operations, told reporters the new Art Park after the park opened, the artists will be stationed to recruit more creative.

Liu Haibo told reporters that different from other arts areas, concentrated Park from the outset in the form of a company in operation, the recruitment of artists to set up a studio concentration Park. Money can build their own studio artists; no ability to repair studio, but the works of the painter characteristics and development, concentrated Park not only to provide accommodation free of charge, and even painted wood, and other issues are still subsidized.

In addition, the Arts District Special attention for artists, "added value" - each time there are plans to introduce a variety of exhibitions, a book for artists, conscious attention to young artists in a variety of exchange activities to promote them. Liu Haibo, art district do great, not only have additive effects together artists, the exhibition not only provides a simple transaction. "Due to the painter to concentrate on painting, if there is no professional body for the artists and their works for packaging, positioning, promotion, promotion, art market, the lower is difficult to run through, not to mention the formation of a chain."

】 【Expert suggestions
Good industrial chain, also requires a balance

The same for the arts district, why their development is heaven? The industry believes that, by the free combination of the artist, the art district spontaneously if the process is still in its development just stop at the level of individual behavior, can not form a complete industrial chain of art, it is easy for some leaders to leave or rent increases and other factors is difficult to of steam.

Reporter noted that the current large-scale development in Chengdu Arts District or the establishment of the company itself, or if by some powerful groups to invest. Art District, the purpose of both hope will make the whole industrial chain covering the "big market." However, the Beijing 798 Art District, had more and more concentrated as commercial flavor and experience the artist collective "leave" the embarrassment, which, how should arts district to find a balance? "Artists need to create the space, but after the formation of the industrial chain will inevitably followed by the business and the impact of visitors. Therefore, the development of arts area on the basis of the cloth must be a good Board." Said Liu Haibo, " Art in China "project, artists will try to communicate with the public space areas isolated to form a reasonable industrial layout.

Art in different areas and industrial parks, slow return on investment, how to become a large-scale cultural industry? The industry believes that only "introduced" far enough, the rise and decline of the arts district, which shows the management and guidance, or extensive style. Yong told reporters that the North Village, the "experiment" to understand their own art area artists, if only to stay focused on the creation of living level, and "value-added projects" can not keep up, the development difficult to sustain. Should first be a good program, improve the policy. In addition, to help artists improve the hardware facilities, given the part of the rent subsidies and other related incentives are also important. Source: Sichuan Daily

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