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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Rambo opening "Bao Soul" was elected king of orchids

Published: February 12, 2011

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Fine more than 2000 pots of orchids will be the collective appearance this Rambo

Yesterday morning, hazy rain Chengdu, Chengdu youth activity center is actually a school of the lively scene, Sichuan International Cultural Exchange Center hosted the Second International of West Sichuan, Chengdu, Rambo will be blue and the second session officially pull Cultural Festival open the curtain, and many people come to tour Blue. Rambo in this meeting, the pot called "Bao soul" Chunlan layers selected by experts, was elected king of orchids at this Rambo.

Orchid King Award

"Bao Soul" was elected king of orchids

Yesterday, around 9:30, the opening ceremony is held Rambo, although light rain was falling the sky, the scene is still attracting a lot of orchid enthusiasts. The opening ceremony, the most striking aspect of this is undoubtedly the king of orchids will be announced Rambo, Chunlan "Bao soul" come to the fore, was elected king of the new orchid. "This orchid outside the three and is characterized by the intermediate holding flap has purple lines, but rather spend the tongue and showing a black color, the color match is very rare in orchids." Sichuan Orchid Society Fuhua Long said.

4 days

Fine more than 2000 pots of orchids appeared homogeneous

It is understood that this would be a total area of 360 acres Rambo, will be on display including Chunlan, Cymbidium, Cymbidium and other species, including more than 2000 pots of fine orchids, also introduced activities such as Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Reporters on the scene, in addition to the majority of orchid enthusiasts, the The Rambo will attract a lot of cultural celebrities, the "devil's Sichuan," said Wei Minglun told reporters, although he is not expert, but also liked to watch Orchid, "the impression is elegant orchid, beautiful life can be added to give a lot of fun."

According to reports, the Sichuan province of China orchids, many domestic varieties are from West Sichuan region. The Rambo will last four days, ending on February 14.

Promoting orchid culture

China Orchid Exposition will be built in Chengdu

Orchid Show in full swing at the same time, the pavilion is also around the orchid trade, it is extremely hot, all booth selling orchids from tens of thousands of dollars price range. Member of the public told reporters that the relative past, and now as an ornamental orchid flowers, the family has entered the common people, "Now, like the orchid has been more and more people, which for the promotion of orchid culture, there are very important meaning. "

In addition, according to Chen Yingliang Orchid Co., Ltd., a western person in charge, they will actively participate in this Rambo is also planning to invest in two to three years time, in the happiness of Merlin Trinity Huaxiang create an area of 300 acres, set the scale of China's scientific research and breeding orchids, plants and training base, professional and blue orchid market and tourist area of cultural industries as one of the China Orchid Exposition. Source: Chengdu Daily

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