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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Village Mianzhu New Year day, Chengdu tourist: the picturesque village "eye wash"

Published: February 11, 2011

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"We have long wanted to see it!" The morning of February 8, Chengdu, Li Min, a public drive from the city to the village pictures Mianzhu filial piety. Li Min said that the Spring Festival held during the festival coincided with Mianzhu pictures, plus pictures and heard the reconstruction of the village is quite distinctive, specially during the holidays to allow time to "New Year day village."

Also de way, far be able to see a tall red torii, a letter to "Chinese New Year villages" in large letters. Min standing village looked around, the rows of gray tile overhangs the Chuanximinju patchwork, Fenqiangdaiwa tree lined, Village Road, a section of clean, white walls, colorful pictures and vivid Mianzhu ... ...

"This is the 'Ladies'! This is a 'childlike figure'! This is the 'birthday old man'!" Min, a side view along the colorful paintings on the wall, while happily pointing. Roads, antique light poles and unique pictures hanging lanterns extend all the way forward, arch paintings, Water Gallery, paintings exhibition hall, paintings Square, New Year Lake ... ... "The whole village is like a level of rich, vibrant big picture, full of spring. "This is Erica's first impression of the village of New Year.

Reconstruction of the village after the New Year clean and beautiful, organized around their houses, and village affairs column, pacts and health management systems, civil ethics requirements at a glance. Music at a farm where the villagers and Erica chatted about a homely, old, neat and clean environment in order to maintain the village, the village has established a special environmental protection group, designated the morning of 10 villagers in the village of New Year pictures were clean, cleaning, and set up in the trash each intersection, the villagers also were classified waste can be used to recycle the waste to put into the fields, for composting, recycling can not only throw the garbage, and then by hand for removal and transportation . New Year festival, the visitors came more tourism, the village sent people to hand to do more cleaning work, the implementation of 24 hours a day cleaning.

Just then, a group of children skipping to the road, "blasting it! Blasting it!" Gun sound off, red confetti floating down the village to hire a cleaner broom over the paper to the children left behind debris collected from the trash can down the road, the road immediately restore clean. "Enemy! Shooting before the New Year celebration, but also pay attention to the environment. Here, the beautiful pictures left me impressed with the pictures and beautiful village and consciously safeguard the environment left me deep impression." Min said, " You see, no matter the road or a restaurant, I feel very comfortable, everyone can see the rebirth of the village treasure. "Source: Sichuan Daily

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