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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

The proposed five-second park around the Third Ring Road, Chengdu

Published: February 10, 2011

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The second circle around the city garden city high-speed world of modern garden city new blueprint under the new rural (small towns) to build points thumbnails (local)

Agricultural and rural economic development in Chengdu "Twelve Five" plan Zuoqi comments

Five years of transformation

More than 150 cities and towns generally

Treatment planning in rural areas 6 years and 30 million mu of cultivated land of 300 acres of rural residential land, 50 acres arable land each year finishing, finishing 5-6 acres of rural residential, new rural remediation 200-300; completed in five years the general transformation of more than 150 cities and towns.

Urbanization rate has reached 69%

To encourage cities and towns have a stable job and has a fixed address migrant workers into urban residents to apply. 2015, Chengdu, urbanization rate has reached 69%.

Ecological Corridor

Garden City was built with isolation

Implementation of green space in the main urban quality improvement project, the ecological corridors and green parks new construction projects, to carry out forest communities to create green roadside parks, and pilot projects; the Third Ring Road construction around the city park landscape, the formation of Garden City isolation belt.

Global water system was built in Chengdu

Speed up the construction of urban and rural water supply security, the basic set up with industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization of urban and rural water supply systems to adapt.

Promoting agriculture

Into the national market

Establishment of the Chengdu spot and forward trading center of agricultural products. Implementation of the agricultural trading center Pengzhou Meng Yang, Longquan gather and agricultural trade center and logistics center in Longquan Phase II triple poultry, and improve agricultural products wholesale market in Chengdu Shuangliu, Chengdu Chinese medicinal herbs market in agricultural products wholesale markets Pixian Chassi construction, new Trading Center Wenjiang western flower seedlings, Pujiang Cheng Jia Sichuan tea market and distribution center Huaikou Jintang.

Urbanization rate of 69% of the farmers in Chengdu 2015 net income of 12300 yuan per capita

"Agriculture and rural economic development in Chengdu Twelfth Five-Year Plan" draft has been prepared to strengthen the planning of the scientific, democratic and effective, collective wisdom and absorbing, and promote the building of "Western First, the national leader" of the modern agricultural demonstration zone, yesterday, the Chengdu Municipal Government Website hang out "plan (draft)", in the online public to seek the views and suggestions. Seek time, 2011 February 9 to March 9. For Comments sector, Chengdu Development and Reform Commission said that the people who will be based on the observations and recommendations in a timely manner to modify and improve the program.

Five years to achieve "six best"

"Planning (draft)" with 28 pages outlined the next five years, Chengdu, agriculture and rural economic development blueprint.

"First-class ecological, first-class combination of elements, first class management ability, excellent output, revenue class, first-class treatment" - "Twelve Five-Year" period, Chengdu, Agriculture and Rural Development will strive to achieve "six best" goals.

In addition, the guiding principle in planning is also proposed to fully implement the scientific concept of development, in-depth implementation of the urban and rural areas, "four in one" overall strategy of scientific development, in accordance with the construction of the history of modern garden city world, positioning and long-term development goals, to continue deepening rural work, "the four basic project" to accelerate the free flow of urban elements, urban and rural residents to achieve freedom of movement,

Improve the quality of life of farmers, and promote the development of modern agriculture by leaps and bounds, to Chengdu, into "the first western country leading" modern agricultural demonstration zone countries.

Rural per capita net income of 12300 yuan

In 2010, Chengdu, the per capita net income of farmers was 8020 yuan, "second five" target is: 12300 yuan! Forest cover in 2010 was 36.9%, "Twelve Five" period, will be increased to 38% - which is planning the two proposed binding targets, that is, it is the planning period must be to achieve.

In addition, the plan also proposed a number of prospective targets: the urbanization rate, from 65.3% in 2010 to 69%; government investment growth, but also from 39.2% in 2010, increased to 40.4%.

Change the landscape park around the three belt loop

And speeding up the basic functions of local agro-ecological construction, planning and innovation should be made to create dynamic monitoring system of land quality. At the same time, but also increase the ecological environment, which, "in the Third Ring Road construction around the city park landscape with the construction of 198 eco-tourism and leisure industry, the regional model, to achieve the double effect of green jobs," the blueprint for the extra attention.

Last year's "8.13" large debris flows, Chengdu people are still fresh. The next five years, Chengdu will establish a global water system and accelerating the water environment, flood control and drainage system of six major water project construction, the flood discharge flow, reducing flood damage, protect people's lives and property.

Grain yield of 2.87 million tons in five years

To speed up the leapfrog development of modern agriculture, enhance the level of industrial management of agriculture can not be less. The plan to accelerate the collective characteristics of agricultural products and agricultural advantages of brand building, by 2015, achieving production of 2.87 million tons grain, oil, agricultural added value of 30.5 billion; speed up the logistics system of agricultural products, the establishment of the Chengdu spot and forward trading center of agricultural products, promoting agriculture into the national market from the regional center.

Construction land requisition compensation standards to improve

Draft of which, in addition to speeding up the construction of new socialist countryside, such as planning content, also to enhance the quality of life of rural residents made specific requests: to promote rapid growth of income of the farmers, we should speed up the operating income of farm families, wage income, property income and transfer income growth, including exploring the farmers to move into the city paid the contracted land and homestead exit mechanism. Increase of construction land requisition compensation standards.

Speed up the construction of the social security system of migrant workers

The plan, to further deepen rural reform and opening up, improve the free flow of urban and rural residents to adapt to the household registration management system, to accelerate the global urban and rural areas of Chengdu same household. Do urban and rural areas, "equal pay", the rural residents into the city residence, employment, without any conditions.

Plan also proposed to speed up the transfer of rural labor and employment, social security system to speed up the construction of migrant workers, to peasants as pay, children to school, public health, housing, and urban residents enjoy the same treatment.

Source: Huaxi Dushi Bao

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