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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Sichuan tourism revenue hit tourist hot more than 33 million

Published: February 10, 2011

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Press 9 from the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Bureau, Sichuan province worst hit city in the six states received more than 10.42 million tourists, more than the total tourism revenue of 33 billion. The Spring Festival holidays, travel hot Sichuan disaster area, showing a strong recovery momentum.

2011 Spring Festival , is the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan of Sichuan Province hit a third after the Spring Festival , with the "basic two-three years to complete the task of reconstruction" goals, Sichuan disaster areas in the new development in leaps and bounds. General situation throughout the province of Sichuan this year's Spring Festival Golden Week presents a "disaster area sing the thanksgiving song, culture to the power of rich, line-line tour co-ordination to help the old and new scenic spots and prosperity" features.

Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Yaan, Aba and other states a total of six worst-hit city of more than 1042 million tourists, more than the total tourism revenue of 33 billion. Mianyang, Beichuan County on February 1 the new held a grand opening ceremony of the city, open city later became the most hot place in Mianyang, New Year's Day there are more than 10 million visitors, the Spring Festival Golden Week 7 days a total of more than 27 million tourists people, 6.5 million yuan of tourism revenue.

Beichuan County, the total of more than 35 million tourists, 12.69 million yuan of tourism revenue, an increase of 2281.54%, respectively, and 233.07%. In addition, the water mill town of Wenchuan, Mianzhu paintings Village, Jiangyou Yuanwang Dong earthquake reconstruction and other areas (spots), but also by tourists, especially by car in hot pursuit of self-help tourists.

Meanwhile, Sichuan Province, launched a variety of tourism activities around and Waste Management measures to create a happy and auspicious festive atmosphere and promote a considerable growth in tourism, the province received more than 2430 million tourists, an increase of 25.4%. The total income of the province to achieve more than 83 billion yuan, up 35.8%.

As at 19:00 on February 8th, Sichuan Province, a major tourist Holiday Office has not received safety complaints and incident reports involving travel.

Source: Xinhua

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