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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Chinese New Year Golden Week in our province, "zero" major security incidents and complaints

Published: February 9, 2011

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Travel news from the Provincial Tourism Bureau Law Enforcement Team was informed that as at 18:00 on February 8, together with the province's major tourism has not received complaints. Spring Festival Golden Week, the province has not witnessed a tourism market tourism safety accidents, not received complaints with the major tourism information.

Provincial Tourism Bureau Tourism Office of Law Enforcement Team had Rui told reporters, through advance prevention, early intervention and focus on examination during the holiday season, law enforcement and other joint initiatives to ensure this year's Spring Festival Golden Week, the orderly operation of the tourism market in our province.

Spring Festival period, the province investigated "zero or negative fare" illegal business practices and "black community", "black shops", "black cars", "black lead" and unlicensed acts of force does not relax, travel during the holidays to keep a complaints hotline 96927 the smooth and uninterrupted through the media and Internet Security Tips released.

Tourist cities and counties across the province in key law enforcement agencies to carry out inspections of the surrounding area, and through on-site, telephone and other means, resolve tourists encountered in a variety of travel of small disputes. At the same time, all levels of the tourism sector is also active with the public security, safety supervision, transportation, health, price and other department coordination, joint law enforcement, increased holiday travel market supervision.

This is also a safe play in the New Year . Tourism administrative departments at all levels to folklore tourism, winter tourism, leisure and tourism facilities and other projects, focusing on depth security checks, and eliminate hidden dangers; actively cooperate with public security and traffic departments to strengthen supervision and operation of transport facilities maintenance, and enhance police deployment, strengthen the road, condition of the inspection and maintenance program to prevent accidents of major tourism, protection of tourist traffic safety.
Source: Sichuan Daily

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