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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Big Spring Festival Golden Week holiday ending a successful tour won gold 8.313 billion yuan in Sichuan

Published: February 9, 2011

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February 8, the reporter from the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Industry Leading Group Office was informed, Year of the Rabbit 2011 Spring Festival is the "second five," the first year of the first Golden Week holiday. Sichuan tourism activities around the launch of a variety of measures and Waste Management to create a happy and auspicious festive atmosphere and promote a considerable growth in tourism, the province received a total of 24300600 tourists trips, an increase of 25.4%, of which 7380400 passengers overnight tourists , an increase of 30.3%; day trip tourists 16920200 passengers, an increase of 23.3%; to achieve total revenue of 8.313 billion yuan, an increase of 35.8%.

The Chinese New Year Golden Week, tourism market is "the fire of domestic travel, outbound hot, inbound flat" characteristics. Statistics included in Sichuan province 20 Holiday Tour (Spot) 1106100 passengers were tourists, an increase of 11.7%, ticket sales 53655300 yuan, up 15.22. Among them, Emei Mountain , Langzhong city, hometown of Deng Xiaoping, the Leshan Giant Buddha , Dujiangyan received visits the province ranked the top 5; Emei ticket sales 11.68 million yuan, ranking the province first.

The province's 23 red tourist areas (spots) 1221800 passengers were tourists, an increase of 20.97%; ticket sales 3273100 yuan, an increase of 164.11%.

Sing Thanksgiving, tourism became the stage show the results post-disaster reconstruction.

2011 Spring Festival , is the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan of Sichuan Province hit a third after the Spring Festival , with the "basic two-three years to complete the task of reconstruction" goals, Sichuan disaster areas in the new leaps and bounds in the development of the state in accordance with the relevant City central, provincial reconstruction after the disaster into a "three bases and one window" requirements, accelerate the improvement of infrastructure, tourist attractions and supporting facilities, the Spring Festival holiday, the province hit tourist hot, showing a strong recovery momentum, Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang , Guangyuan, Yaan, six worst-hit city of Aba and other states received a total of 10425300 tourists trips, tourism revenue reached 3.359 billion yuan. Mianyang, Beichuan County on February 1 the new held a grand opening ceremony of the city, open city later became the most popular place in Mianyang, New Year's Day there are more than 10 million visitors, the Spring Festival Golden Week 7 days a total of 279000 trips tourists , 6.5 million yuan of tourism revenue, the total tourists in Beichuan County, 358000 people, 12.69 million yuan of tourism revenue, an increase of 2281.54%, respectively, and 233.07%. In addition, the water mill town of Wenchuan, Mianzhu paintings Village, Jiangyou Yuanwang Dong earthquake reconstruction and other areas (spots), but also by tourists, especially by car in hot pursuit of self-help tourists.

Culture to force festivals to help Sichuan Chinese New Year is more fun.

Rich cultural connotation of the Spring Festival holiday to prosperity and economic development of the fundamental internal factors. Dig around the province Chinese New Year traditional culture, and actively organize and introduced a rich cultural content, mass participation and strong tourism festivals and folk tourism, rural tourism, cultural tourism, sports and fitness tourism products and colorful holiday travel special events , the province introduced 159 in winter tourism and tourism festivals. Festival in previous years the difference is, this year's activities, more emphasis on thematic, regional, such as Chengdu, organized the "Taste of China in Chengdu," New Year tourist theme series of activities, Mianyang planning a "blessing in Mianyang Chinese New Year fun "series of theme activities, Suining prominent cultural theme Guanyin, holding a" lucky Suining "series of theme activities, Aba Wenchuan mining Qiang culture, organized Qiang flavor of the" Yu invite you to the New Year "activities, the hometown of Deng Xiaoping launched Kwong," presented Flowers cherish the memory of great men "," leader of books read, learn great style "activities, the very geographical features of the folk cultural activities, in the tradition of the folk at the same time, great to meet the needs of the majority of tourists travel to further enrich the tourism festival market.

Line co-ordination, self-help travel more convenient.

With the integrated transport hub in western Sichuan to speed up the process of building, and the highway network leading to the gradual completion of the expressway linking neighboring provinces, the province's road traffic has been further improved. The province launched nearly two years co-ordinating the implementation of pilot tourism route, playing a music line, three lines of cultural tourism and other fine lines, enhance the quality tourist attractions and optimizes the major tourist cities and towns, strengthen the construction of tourist routes and elements, plus surrounding cities rural tourist spots, eco-tourism point of increase and gradual improvement, this year the Spring Festival period, reported from all over the situation, driving, self-help travel accounted for nearly as guests to the whole family travel, travel with the main still a New Year one of the most The main way to travel. According to incomplete statistics, the Spring Festival period, the three lines of cultural tourism segment Guangyuan Zhao Jian welcomed a total of 50 million visitors by car, Nanchong City, traveling by car to reach nearly 20 million units of vehicles times. February 4-6, latitude 30 ℃ Chengdu Club organized the "Winter warm sun, charm salt side" Zijia first group, three teams totaling more than 80 320 people to the Panzhihua car travel.

Constantly hot, old and new attractions highlight the benefits.

Spring Festival period, the Sichuan Provincial Tourism traditional area of significant brand effect, doing well, and some new scenic spots have been tourists. In recent years, across the province to further increase efforts in building tourist attractions, tourist attractions and improve the quality and brand. Golden Week, high-quality tourist attractions as the quality of ripe, rich, reception facilities, particularly loved by the majority of tourists during the holiday season Yourenruzhi significant brand effect, such as the investment of 100 million yuan in Leshan City, Leshan Giant Buddha next to the built Jiading Square Streets, investing more than 30 million yuan, the use of modern laser technology, large-scale water curtain movie sound Mitsuhide "Foguangpuzhao" bold use of modern high-tech stage technology, tourism brought in the New Year cultural feast for visitors, Leshan Giant Buddha , Emei Mountain in this second Chinese New Year Golden Week, respectively, 12.5 million tourists and 17.3 million trips, scenic ticket sales were 7.5969 million yuan, and 11.6891 million yuan, in the province into the opening 20 in the top tourist attractions. Meanwhile, newly built around the scenic spots for their new feature "new" quality "excellent" are also sought after by the majority of tourists, such as Guanyin Suining hometown of the newly developed tourism area in China, Chinese Jurassic Park, Lung town and so is hot, nearly 60 million yuan of tourism revenue.

As at 19:00 on February 8th, the provincial tourism Holiday Office has not received major complaints and report security incidents involving travel.
Source: Sichuan News Network

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