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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Spring comes early in Beichuan were handling people's lives changed for the better every day

Published: February 8, 2011

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February 7, Early in. Clear with mist.

Early in the morning, cars from Chengdu, along the wide flat path all the way north.

That day, the Lunar New Year customs in a special day, known as the "broken five." Popular speaking, this day of all we should gradually return to normal before the New Year's Eve, people turn into the new year to be busy working to go.

The spring. Flavor is strong year, when many people still immersed in the joy of holiday, some people have been on the road, or in the Mercedes-Benz vehicles, or spend four spindles in the steel workshop, or in the spring of the fields, everywhere they are busy. This is an increase of people's New Year Qin Chunzao map outlines of a better life in the infinite.

Construction of non-stop - the rise of steel Poetry City Metro

The red lanterns hanging all the way to the city disguised as a joyous Millennium poetry.

No time to stop and share, through the lively Jiangyou City, our destination is a group of 8:00 had been too busy sweating the lovely workers.

Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group entered the outskirts of Jiangyou Changcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd. of cars like the plant in the maze.

Dealers few minutes later, a tall majestic plant out there in the front window, if that is a rectangular body of the aircraft carrier docked at the shore. "This is what we can speed up the building of large tool and die steel forgings production line." Climbing a long steel forging equipment management branch chief of Bin Yu has been introduced to.

Length of 372 meters, 33 meters high, construction area of 83000 square meters - to wear helmets, have been formed into the beginning of the main structure of the huge plant. From east to west, forging machine, forging machine, and other core equipment fast line excavation pit layout. Middle of the factory, workers wearing helmets in the equipment installation, the base side is done fast forging machine in full swing.

The construction of three lines from iron and steel enterprises in the Wenchuan earthquake direct economic loss of 5.6 billion. September 2009, a total investment of 6.68 billion yuan, covering about 5200 acres of climbing long steel reconstruction project officially started. Bin Yu has said the front of this production line is one of the most important reconstruction projects, the investment of 1.32 billion yuan, due to high added value, climbed into production will help usher in a revival of long steel spring.

"Plans trial production in May this year, in order to guarantee period, we must work overtime." Skilled workers from Jiangsu Province country true Chen told reporters that the Spring Festival they only had three days rest. Equipment installation team, mostly from Sichuan, the home for nearly a year. But his home in Changzhou, they and the workers from Shanghai and other places to stay in Jiangyou. Last Spring , he is also installed in Yibin Lafarge spent on site.

And Chen true, as each installation of the workers are wearing a badge chest, printed above the "revitalization project installation team" message. The workers told reporters that since taking over the project, the installation took his team gave this famous name, and placed in the post-disaster reconstruction, revitalization of Frank glory.

Forging machine base in the fast east, more than 10 components of the big box loading equipment next five or six technical staff are wearing helmets, squatting on the ground and concentrated around the more than 10 sheets of technical drawings. Approached them, the reporter heard the ear a few words of Chinese language in the mixture from time to time. Then approached the look, there is also two blue-eyed engineers high nose. Long Steel Pan Scottish Premier, Minister of Planning, explained that the technological transformation, "production line equipment global tender, this host from the Czech manufacturer zdas company. Under the agreement, the Czech Republic sent a engineer stationed in terms of special help to install a long climb."

"We both are for the first time to China to experience China's past did not experience the years, the Chinese New Year is great!" Engineers karel shyly told reporters through an interpreter.

The first day, the Scottish Premier League and the roman two engineers also karel go home to eat his dinner, during which time the son of sophomore English and they communicated quite well. "There are friends from afar. Our family is very rich confused the festive dinner, the two foreign friends of the happy days for the Chinese people are very happy."

Live and work - send things go on

Winter afternoon sun was a bit tired. The roots of plant flowers into the town of Alliance Feng County, reporters eyes first excited again - new houses, contiguous patches, the level of scattered fish ponds, a new dynamic in rural scenes intoxicated.

The Union - home business industry is booming

Second line - financial hand out for the fiscal

Streamer - smooth sailing

"This is my carefully selected couplets." Randomly walked into a family, village health He pointed to paste couplets on new homes after the earthquake, said it was his portrayal of living conditions.

He saw 39-year-old physical therapy, he was leaving to take care of fish ponds. Before the earthquake, HE dyeing factory in Zhangjiagang City workers alive. Earthquake, his family's house had toppled. After the earthquake, He Jian back home, through government subsidies and loans, home was built in 100 square meters of new homes. Many people find the village caused by the aquaculture industry through the development of the rich, and he also contracted a multi-acre ponds.

"Last fall was dropped into the fry are ready to sell, harvest, and how many see the outcome soon." He Jian cocked finger counting of the accounts for the journalists, a monthly income of 1500 yuan in Zhangjiagang, 10 square meters of the rent to 200 yuan, the price high, high tolls, not buy votes, so its better to stay at home business. "This year I'm thinking is to look at the town or county to find a more profitable venture."

"Before the earthquake of labor outside the village has more than 400 workers, now only 100 people out." Village branch secretary Dushao You said that after the earthquake in the village formed a pig, fish, duck, vegetables, fruit and other major industries, the per capita last year, income of more than 6000 yuan, out of home production easily out of income than high, and left behind problems in the elderly and children. This does not, He Jian parent body more than two years ago, tough, and the County has launched a new rural endowment insurance, the elderly do not worry about retirement.

Farmers to reduce risk, reduce environmental pollution, together Toyomura concentrated breeding areas built to attract nearly 50 farmers. Approached the culture area, he first entered the door, he was an uncle dressed in white overalls stopped.

"Du Shuji, dare I say this I make money, have to slaughter 5000 ducks tomorrow." The uncle boldly named Don C wing secretary said Elsie. A trace of alcohol coming from his mouth, the original Uncle because of ease of mind, drank a little wine at noon.

When the first half of last year, poor households Tang Wing C of this farming district just gatekeepers, earning less than thousand dollars. Liaoning aided command post that the implementation of a leading counterpart aid, gave him 5000 Yamiao "from the ridge." Just 7 months, Tang C wing has been approved slaughter 6 to achieve net profit of ten thousand dollars.

Despite his new life happy to drink the wine, Tang C Wing after lunch or not the slightest slack, put on the overalls, carefully pinned hope these feeding of poultry, "to be thought of a good life, we must be willing to sweat."

People stories

Life changed for the better every day

"This New Year is almost no time to go out! "Early in Beichuan county seat Wang Xinghua new very busy.

In the new county seat of Beichuan Yaohao housing distribution, the Wang Xinghua roll to a family of three on the second floor 106 square meters of housing. While the economy a little nervous, but he hastened to buy a refrigerator, air conditioning and furniture, in the New Year before the move into a new home, also good for only 10 months old daughter to live a life in the new home of the first Chinese New Year .

Chinese New Year , the new county of Beichuan garden arranged many riddles, Qiang cultural performances and other activities, always decorated to the new county endless stream of people who visit and tour, but Wang Xinghua time to attend.

Wang Xinghua busy, because the first month from the New Year's Eve, family and friends every day, door, at least one table, as many as twenty or thirty people. Wang Xinghua former restaurant, now have their own cook meal. New Year from the purchase of a rich start to burn 10 to a show for every meal of the dishes, a father of Wang Xinghua Natural busy.

The Spring Festival , the new county seat of Beichuan been firecrackers, fireworks, the sound of fireworks during the day and night for connecting the symphony. Every night, the dazzling fireworks light up the entire county. When the flowers are blooming, when her daughter standing on the windowsill Wang Xinghua always, let her feel the fun of color, who moved into a new home in Beichuan share the joy.

Wang Xinghua said that in the new county over the Spring Festival , and before the board room had two New Year there are too many differences. In the board room, family room only, dinner, a festive dinner with no place to sit; relatives are less different between the ... ... Now, the new home new home, there are the smallest of the family, cute daughter, group festive dinner has more taste, savor the wine you can drink from noon afternoon ... ...

After the earthquake, Wang Xinghua security in Mianyang were looking for a job. New shops in Beichuan county investment, he also signed up. He hopes to secure a pavement, return to prostitution to open a small restaurant. While commercial networks present a new county is not perfect, but Wang Xinghua think, "The most difficult time has passed, life changed for the better every day." He believed that the new county seat, there are many opportunities waiting for him, with one of their own hands, do not worry about eating and drinking. Source: Sichuan Daily

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