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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Gan Luo Luge Village: Spring exciting cultural and sports activities

Published: February 8, 2011

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Horse racing, wrestling, dancing ... ... starting from February 3, County of Liangshan Prefecture ganluo Ruger village organized a "few sand sipping Seoul New Year Celebration 2011," cultural activities, attracting the county Yutian Area, Tin Par film District, New Town Nanba, Pu-chang Area, Area of Sri Lanka and other places people feel the competition.

From the New Year began, the people near and far Ruger hilltop after another rushed to the village reservoir, wearing a new smiling face filled the Yi people, greetings and blessings of voices.

Horse race to seize the audience started to eye, the first group of particularly intense start to race, 6 laps of the 8 players neck and neck, in the final sprint stage winner. Amu feel the ancient village of the early iron in the third group of outstanding performance to exceed the achievements of all players in the first place one and a half.

Game space, the beauty of folk dance choreographed ease the tension of the atmosphere of competition, melodious music, young men and women to dance lightly, winning applause.

Intense wrestling match began. Debut of 45 players one by one, from the Wu Tian Nanba Yutian town and village wood Ji Yuebu red Fuk Amu archaic championship will race to a climax. Source: Sichuan Daily

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Advanced unit in the province's tourism - Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
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Advanced Unit of the province's tourism - Tourism Industry Development Leading Group issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
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