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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Big Spring Festival Golden Week holiday, "the Chinese taste. Chengdu year" rich variety of activities

Published: February 7, 2011

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February 5, to flood the temple, the Spring Festival Golden Week the fourth day. Chengdu temperatures gradually warming up since yesterday, today, in fine weather continued, "China's taste. Chengdu on" Chinese New Year tourist theme series of activities, Pingle Pingle ancient town in China, a series of activities, the Eleventh Huanglong Stream International Dragon and Lion Dance Culture Arts Festival, Pixian agricultural village folk of China "series of events continued to attract a large number of holiday tourists traveling public. Today Holiday Office of Temple City area, Jinsha Site Museum area for the holiday routine safety checks, scenic run well, order orderly. Today, no safety accidents, non-tourism service quality complaints.

According to statistics, 150700 tourists Temple passengers, an increase of 36.01%; zoo visitors 23400 tourists, an increase of 63.64%; Metropolis Baoguang Temple tourists 44000 passengers, an increase of 114.63 percent; Wenjiang national color day 4.8 million rural people tourists, an increase of 117.19 percent; Pingle town tourists 10 million passengers, an increase of 185.71%.

Tourist transport smooth and orderly. Shuangliu International Airport to send 285 flights, 14 additional flights, transporting tourists 36900 people; Chengdu North Railway Station to send passenger train 111 trips, additional 9 trains, passenger transport 44000 passengers; arrived in the train of 110 trips, 62 thousand people arriving passengers. Source: Sichuan News Network

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National hundred International Travel - National Tourism Administration issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
Outstanding integrity Sichuan Travel - Sichuan Travel Association issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
Advanced unit in the province's tourism - Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
China Travel Service Association - issued by the Association - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
Advanced Unit of the province's tourism - Tourism Industry Development Leading Group issued - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
YeePay Qualification - Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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