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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Sunshine thriving tourism industry, changes in Xichang Yijia Village Village

Published: February 7, 2011

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Mo hostess was busy.

Field knowledge

Walls brick houses Yijia village rooms to become tourist village

"Surrounded by Xichang, why to Hainan ! "phrase slogan, is the reporter Spring Festival visitors are often heard mention of words.

February 5, Year 8 large, thin clouds the sun is still hiding, Qing Xichang damiaocun a group of rural white "Mo cottage" has cropped white smoke.

"Action deft point, many guests today." Hillside outside the house, a middle-aged man with dark skin, the body is bent to pick vegetables in green.

He is the son of 38-year-old Mo fire, "Mo cottage" owners. From New Year's Day, the folk customs of the Yi family in this very music business has been booming. Just this morning, in order to meet the 60 from Chengdu, Xichang, Panzhihua and other places to have New Year 's visitors, a specialized fire Mo son killed two 40-pound suckling pig, pheasant run 6. Kitchen, fireplace in the fire is prosperous, in a large pan of water boiling. Mo son's wife and sister fire is skillfully to make buckwheat Baba, room full of fragrance.

Immediate "Mo cottage" is located in the white damiaocun village, 200 square meters of brick houses built on mountains, high and low scattered. White walls, dotted with stone ornamentation Yi characteristics, three colors will be black and red beams, pillars decorated very bright.

May more than a year ago, Mo fire a dozen sub-population of people still living in substandard wall room, guarding the ancestors left behind a small farm and fruit trees. "A year down the tossing out of ten thousand dollars at most, just enough to eat and drink."

Early last year, to improve the living environment of urban and rural residents, the Dan Banfang Liangshan, tile board room, thatched cottages "three room" renovation project, large white damiaocun be included Qing Township statewide focus Yi District 4 "three room" reform demonstration projects. Today, the White damiaocun has become known Yijia Village, the village is planned to have a strong residential Yi style: entrance to the village erected a bulldog in a 4-meter-high arch, full of momentum; row upon row of houses situated in the mountains of terraces in the foot of the mountain is blue with bright Qionghai.

Holding a government subsidy of 2 million sub-Mo to fire their 10 million on loans financing home improvements. Home with solar energy, biogas digesters, the kitchen is more spacious and bright, toilet according to standardized designs. More than one hundred square meters of Yuanba head, and built a small pavilion, planted with Bougainvillea. He gave reporters just T account, Yi family happy for a day when business is good income to 3000 yuan, a year down to the net to earn five or six million.

People Chronicle

Cargo owner: lead to a wealth way to pass the

Early in the day four, Xichang "Pegasus Express," the head of Li Shunlin finally break down. This afternoon, he and his family to Qiong beach sun, a cup of tea, rest tired the next year.

As always on the road, "running" of the people, Li Shunlin the Year of the Rabbit wish is: I hope more accessible to repair the highway Xichang faster, the more the more extensive repair.

11 years ago, Li Shunlin huh the Express took the lead in the business of Xichang. At that time, the company only fifty-six medium size trucks, with Li Shunlin their drivers less than ten individuals. At first, they only run between Xichang and the surrounding county, and occasionally run a few times, Chengdu, Kunming. At that time, from Xichang to Chengdu, the truck load of 10 tons a trip to two or three days.

With the construction of the highway, into the west road between the two gradually changed for the better, drive to Chengdu, the time gradually shorter: three days, two days, one day, 13 hours, 9 hours. Transportation from Chengdu to Xichang more and more abundant goods, daily necessities, household appliances, car ... ... a wealth of native products, mineral products and pouring from Xichang to the country.

In 2005, the business grew and grew in Lishun Lin and partner up with the "Flying Horse Industrial Co., Ltd.", a small Express stores evolved into a seven branches, 60 drivers of the chain, business-oriented the country, one month can take sixty to seventy single business, a year down lucrative.

Today, Li Shunlin came up with the schedule: the end of 2011, Chengdu-Xichang high-speed traffic, and Chengdu to Xichang as fast as 5 hours; 2012 to Xichang Leshan, Lijiang to speed the opening of Xichang, 4 hours up to Xichang. "Lead to, and grow rich on the pass, a broader outlook." According to his intention, in the end of this year's vehicle replacement into a large trailer. He is also considering expanding their business into catering, passenger and other fields, "At that time certainly more visitors to Xichang, my 'Pegasus' will themselves to the full!"

Press Notes

Home every year, each time a new discovery. Born here and grew up in here, I've memorized the Xichang attractions, and supposedly, home for the Spring Festival is spend time with their families, rely on at home. Changes can be Xichang, made me go home each time is like a newly arrived tourists, excited, excited ... ... can not wait to be back again.

Happy, I go home feeling. Xichang area attractions to create very local characteristics and national customs, mountains, rivers, lakes and mountains city of one intoxicated, urban and rural environment clean and beautiful people feel comfortable. In the cold winter days, sun every day all over her will not hesitate to every corner of the city, warm my heart infiltrating the hearts of tourists: "really want to rely on one or two months here, ah!"

Made me excited is the blueprint for the future Xichang - Sichuan and Yunnan integrated hub, the green capital of vanadium and titanium, the international landscape city. I look forward to high-speed roads and the opening of more routes, let me go home to do a blink of an eye, but also looking forward to a convenient hub for the Xichang Smart plug off the wings, and make it more open. Qi Wen Sun reporter Source: Sichuan Daily

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