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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

Hull Qingchuan earthquake: the pace of Chinese New Year New Year New Hope

Published: February 7, 2011

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February 6, four New Year. Qingchuan sunny city, let this small town in northern Sichuan brightened somewhat spring.

Thick clear spring with new hope, new life Qingchuan people's confidence, no fear of the winter side of the road as the yellow petals of rape reveal as strong and powerful.

After reconstruction, the Green River earthquake is fundamentally changed. February 6, prone to Joe Town, Village Zhaoji Wu Hui Longcun celebrate the new buildings in the New Year .

Car out of high-speed line to the Chuk Yuen town, "Zhejiang Road," two-way four-lane asphalt road spacious atmosphere along the way between the shuttle vehicle. The industrious and brave young man carries the Sichuan new hope, is full throttle toward a better tomorrow.

Dan-couplet form recording a new life thanks Brush

Qingchuan car into the city, the first thing that catches your eyes is the two spectacular bridges across the city into the city at the mouth of Qingchuan valleys. Bridge into the city attached to the wide roads leading to town, and the new series with the city and the old city.

Into the new city, new buildings, schools, hospitals where they stand, hanging red lanterns revealed festive. Of these, just completed in September last year the overall transfer is particularly striking Ningbo District Court, District of buildings everywhere, is very magnificent. 580 residents have moved into the area last October, Year of the Rabbit Chinese New Year became the new home to spend their first New Year .

"In the old board room tent, adjudication of Spring." Stroll Yong District Court, Unit 2, downstairs is very eye-catching pair of couplets. One asked, this pair of couplets in the 3rd floor of the buildings towards the household section of the snow, he was the first tenants moved into the District Court of Ningbo.

Into the section of the snow toward home, nostrils the scent of ink, calligraphy hung on the wall surrounding the house, a painting, a table was covered with blankets, rice paper, brushes, ink stone and other painting tools readily available. When reporters arrived, the snow section is rolled out towards the red paper, coherent write a "fu" word: "Good luck, ah, stay home New Year, new life starts here."

Duan Xue of China Photographers Association and the China-DPRK 书画家协会 the "double" members, his wife Qian Zhao is run from the painting and calligraphy courses, 28 students enrolled, the son of Hao is now paragraph Oil Painting, Sichuan Institute of Technology Institute of the Arts study.

"New Year into its new home, feeling so different." Speaking of the new home the first ever Chinese New Year , Old Section is very excited: "There is such a good house, my wife and I for one wish - painting, the students can pick up the pen to record the town's magnificent rebirth of northern Sichuan, one Danqing Thanksgiving table. "

United we seek to build new houses on a new career record

"Click" ... ... two small Western-style front, 17 "master" left a New Year's first photo. Qian Zhao told reporters that it was her maiden - Joe Town, Hui Longcun small dam community. Village, people say Zhaoji Wu, Zhao Jirong the best house of two brothers, the most style.

Zhao brother's house is a small Western-style two-tier steel and wood structure, typical of northern Sichuan style courtyard houses, separated from the main room downstairs, while upstairs are connected with each other, hanging from the eaves festive red lanterns. The first floor main room, a "good brother good brother good or party, we benefit from a small home country" couplet particularly eye-catching, brother Zhaoji Wu said pair of couplets are written toward the husband Duan, asserting their two brothers voice.

Into the main room, a rotating ladder directly to the second floor, and the first floor like a guard on the second floor is a kitchen Sanshiyiting the layout, add two floors, each brother at home enough to have 400 square meters is absolutely qualified "thermocline style."

Zhao Jirong interview at home, the wife of Chenming Feng Zhao Jirong past men working inside and out. Chenming Feng walked into their home along with the kitchen, saw the kitchen side of the wall covered with bacon, sausage, dense. "To celebrate the move into new houses after the first Spring Festival , 400 years ago, we killed a big pig pounds, pickled into a bacon, sausage eating Chinese New Year. "Chenming Feng said, laughing.

According to Zhao Jirong introduction, home repair house spent a total of more than 30 million, of which 10 million loans. "The house repair is up, the next thing he said to earn tickets." Zhaoji Wu came up, pointing to a new house has not been removed before the land, said board room, board room, etc. After the demolition, the brothers intend to utilize the open space, Pakistan to build a town next to the most appropriate farm music, for the early but also on bank loans.

"When we rebuild the county seat in the county the first two brothers to do something way out, and now the new county will be fully completed, we hope to do some new business." Standing on the second floor balcony, holding a red wooden fence, Zhao Jiwu firm said.

Jujube home to a new spirit of being self-induced

When the brothers are still planning a New Year Zhao Jian peasant music, the lives jujube village of Pingxiang Li Yuming Huang has tasted the sweetness of peasant music out.

Jujube village city from Qingchuan 15 minutes, however, in the Wenchuan earthquake, the village farm house collapsed, but the disaster and did not knock jujube village, and got some inspired village, "jujube spirit." Two months after the earthquake, villagers jujube tree in the county take the lead to start the permanent housing reconstruction, the following year in June, the village became the Qingchuan jujube completed the first round villages in rural housing reconstruction tasks.

"Out of their power, their own sweat flow, your business to yourself dry." Jujube tree line to the village, the wall side of the road Yuming home banner raised this reporter's attention. Li Yuming said that this self-reliance, "jujube tree spirit," not only inspired jujube village built in the new home quickly after suffering a disaster, but also guide them to create a happy new life with both hands.

Li Yuming yard, foot, more than 600 square meters. "After the earthquake, huh I had joy, a year and built a tea house." Yuming said that in 2009 built a new house music began to engage in farming, business was not good, and later aided in Zhejiang, with the help of command , Yuyao City, he went to study, learning the local peasant music business and services. Last year, he as a "get rich Qingchuan led hundreds of people in rural areas," a member, went to Ningbo to "studies" to learn the advanced management experience, farm music business is increasingly prosperous.

Li Yuming, revealed to reporters, they were husband and wife who work, live frugally year earned a maximum of 2 million, while operating farm music last year income over 50000 yuan. Li Yuming also bought a Geely car for the procurement and escort guests. AEROSPACE mother said Li Yuming, the village folks some fresh vegetables and eggs can also be used to help bring along their own car to the county to sell. "Huh cause of their own home, but also help the village folks, so be called happy days."

Driven by the Li Yuming, the village now has a five jujube tree farm music. New year, Li Yuming have their own plan, "music is now well-known big farmers, many of Guangyuan, Mianyang, guests come play, this year for the expansion of the peasant music." Source: Sichuan Daily

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