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Sichuan Tourism Strategy

New Year's 1.5 million people visit the hometown of Deng Xiaoping

Published: February 5, 2011

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" Chinese New Year with children here, both visited the hometown of Deng Xiaoping, search for great tracks, you can also visit the Huayingshan, so children receive education in patriotism. "Shanghai tourists Du Minggui told reporters. February 3 New Year's Day, hometown of Deng Xiaoping received a total area of 1.5 million visitors.

According to Tourism Secretary Jiang Changjun Kwong introduced the Spring Festival holiday period, the Chinese classic red tourism attractions - the hometown of Deng Xiaoping's efforts to provide visitors with a festive, happy, stable and peaceful atmosphere of holiday tourism. Hometown Xiaoping around the "red tourism experience" theme, the former residence of Deng Xiaoping launched the "Deng Xiaoping Gift Heritage Photo Exhibition", "eternal memory of" poetry reading, held in Pai Fangcun interactive tourist village bonfire party, "Ode dedicated to Deng Xiaoping," singing competition, launched in all farm music "appreciate rural countryside tour" and other activities, much favored by tourists. In addition to Sichuan, Chongqing and other places, from Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, Guangxi, Shaanxi, Zhejiang and other places of tourists increased significantly, showing a rapidly expanding customer base the structure of the fortunate situation.

Source: Sichuan Daily

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