December 30, Suining cotton then was opened to traffic speed. So far, the Sichuan highway mileage to 2681 km, highway construction, "Eleventh Five-Year" revenue "leopard tail."
Cotton is high then the national road network planning in the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway Central Link an important part of regional, high-speed connection into the South, then Yu-speed, then the high-speed, reached the railway crossing, 318 State Road, Chongqing railway and 205 provincial highway and other roads and railway. Then high-speed cotton, Mianyang and Suining, Suining section starts from the junction of Shehong Xiangshan Town, by Peng Xixian, beyond the mountain re Town ship, and then Chongqing Expressway phase, length of 97 km, a total investment of 4.854 billion yuan, two-way four lanes, design speed of 80 km / h, set Suining East, shehong, Jinhua, Hong Jiang, Yongxing, Jinqiao six toll stations, Suining, shehong 2 service area.
Cotton is high then the first province to organize the implementation of municipal government as the main highway bot project. Section of highway in Suining cotton then August 26, 2008 to start construction, approved by the State than 8 months ahead of schedule was opened to traffic.
Wang Ning, deputy governor at the opening ceremony. Source: Sichuan Daily