Recently, Langzhong to Zhangfei other city attractions tickets within three core price adjustment programs convene a hearing. Hearing on behalf of 19 people to the meeting, 3 people have objected. At present, tickets for attractions involved in hearing the specific time has not yet determined the price adjustment.
Price adjustment of the hearing will be submitted to the program, tickets for the price adjustment related to the three attractions are the core attractions Langzhong city. Among them, Zhangfei tickets to be raised from the current 40 yuan to 50 yuan, Gongyuan tickets increase from the current 35 yuan to 45 yuan tickets for transit floor raised from the current 10 yuan to 15 yuan.
"Since 2006, Langzhong only capital city area has invested 800 million yuan for the construction, and as a direct government revenue tickets, 5 years only 3000 million of total revenue." Langzhong Culture and Tourism Bureau, said, 3 years , the national key cultural relics protection units accumulated deficit of 8.91 million yuan Zhangfei, the cumulative deficit of 3.676 million yuan transit building, only provincial units Gongyuan slight surplus.
The three attractions, ticket prices adjusted, Langzhong will launch a "tourist city pass a vote" will Zhangfei, Gongyuan, Wah Kwong House, Wu Ming Wan Sculpture Gallery (Jones Mansion), City Hall, Jinping , Dongshan Garden, Poetic, the Red Army Memorial, Zhang Fei, 10 Industrial Park and other cultural attractions, "bundling", which Poetic, the Red Army Memorial, Zhang Fei and cultural attractions Industrial Park as presented no tickets. Source: Sichuan Daily