12 journalists from the "South Australian ⅰ number" underwater archaeological team was informed that "the South Australian ⅰ number" underwater archaeological work has recently made new progress, the archaeologists discovered the wreck after another on either side of the ship's side panels, seat and so the mast hull structure, while clean-up a ship loaded with copper coins, the water has been more than 11300 pieces of coins.
According to "South Australia ⅰ number" underwater archaeological team captain, Choi Yong introduction, June 18-July 9, the South Australian waters in good weather, "South Australian ⅰ number" underwater archaeological work has entered a crucial stage. Archaeologists discovered the hull of the ship on either side of the hull plate and seat masts, mast blocks stacked around the successful distribution of copper, pottery and other artifacts Dragon, mast blocks into a pile of planks placed below the tape. At the same time, the archaeological team also found a cabin and a large number of canned coins, paper money, mostly "Xiangfu reign" "Queen of Song Tong Bao", "Xining reign" and Northern Song Dynasty reign, has more than 11300 gold coins of Statistics water. Source: Huaxi Dushi Bao