Sparks sea elevation of 2187 meters, 9 meters deep, an area of 36,352 square meters, water color blue, sparkling. Whenever the early morning mist dispersed, the sun shone, the water seems to be blossoming spark burning, bits and pieces, jumping flashing. It nestles at the green clumps of Haizi, like an immense emerald crystal plate, full container of magnificent brilliant gold and silver jewelry.
Summer, beach wildflowers in full bloom, round and round bunches, Colorful and spend dew, sparkling, sparkling, sparks exist side by side with the sea and lasting appeal.

Photographic Journey to remind:
Spark the sea is an interesting mystery of the shooting point, must be the morning shooting, and certainly not too early to ditch the sun is always late, usually after 8 pm only the sun, as the dawn begins to be a jungle lake photo Liang, behind the mountain, hidden in the black in the ..... At this point, it should be illuminated by the sun part of the metering, so that the back down the mountain before dark, flashing spark with the dark mountains of the lining, even more secret society and Aura.