Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Headquarters, the official website to provide the latest Sichuan Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan bus tourism, conference tourism Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan weather forecast, tourist routes Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan quotes, Dujiangyan tourism Raiders, Dujiangyan hotels reservations, car rental Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan Tour Price
Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Headquarters, the official website to provide the latest Sichuan Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan bus tourism, conference tourism Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan weather forecast, tourist routes Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan quotes, Dujiangyan tourism Raiders, Dujiangyan hotels reservations, car rental Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan Tour Price

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Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Headquarters, the official website to provide the latest Sichuan Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan bus tourism, conference tourism Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan weather forecast, tourist routes Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan quotes, Dujiangyan tourism Raiders, Dujiangyan hotels reservations, car rental Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan Tour Price
Chengdu, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service Headquarters, the official website to provide the latest Sichuan Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan tourism, Dujiangyan bus tourism, conference tourism Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan weather forecast, tourist routes Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan quotes, Dujiangyan tourism Raiders, Dujiangyan hotels reservations, car rental Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan Tour Price
8,608,905,586,089,155 8,672,312,386,723,234 8,672,121,986,720,219 8,672,811,786,728,107

Dujiangyan Travel Notes

Special attention: in 2009 before traveling overseas visitors can bid for Gold Panda Card (by field ID +1 yuan nominal fee), free access to the Dujiangyan scenic tour.

(1) respect for the local folk customs, as the Dujiangyan earthquake disaster in 2008, please note that words and actions take into account the feelings of people in disaster areas.

(2) care of cultural relics, protecting the local environment.

(3) Pre-trip pre-check weather forecasts

(4) The Staff Committee shall attend a regular travel agency team, to ensure the quality of the team.

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