Apple & buttocks
kiss arse or kiss apple
Apple season is ripe soon, when the foreign tourists who will be enthusiastic and surrounded by confusing cries: "Green ass butt ~ butt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ local ass red ass." To tell the truth, it reminds me of an accent on the "local chicken" joke.
Although the cause improper associations, Lijiang's "butt" flavor is really good, my yard there. If the argument by Mr. Lu Xun: I have an apple tree in the yard, and the other strains is not apple. But I am willing to comply with the "custom" call them to a big butt, a little ass.
In fact, the "little butt" is a crabapple, but it seemed much longer in the majority of people really like a precocious little apple, as in the present version of the 80 stars, maybe apart from beauty writer, young talent, we can invent a new word - with the Lijiang say - "bottom faction," and is "little butt" faction.
Author: xiexiajiushiyongheng