1, traffic
Shanghai to Wenzhou to travel by plane, train and car, by train to Wenzhou, four times a day, 5055 times, N547 times, N533 times, N511 times. If you want a morning till evening, N533 times, N511 times is the best choice. We only buy N511 times, the second train was sending Bozhou, Anhui, in areas such as health conditions are not good, but as it is not sending, it is easy late, we have encountered delays result in situations where not nearly on the island. Therefore, it is recommended to sit Shanghai origin of N533 times, at least not late, 9 pm open, 7:00 over the next day went to Wenzhou, a.
Return of the train, it is recommended to sit N548 times, Wenzhou 19:04 open, generally early to Shanghai the next day, about 5:00 am not. This bus is the Jin-Wen Inc., condition and quality of service are good. Of course, there are two train back to Shanghai at night, namely, more than 17 points and 19 points more than drive.
Wenzhou Qijunanzhan (on the left hand direction of the railway station, close), there is a large number of long-distance train back to Shanghai at night about 10 o'clock there for the time hasty tourists, fares and train sleeper about Tel :0577-86766264
To Wenzhou, direct at the railway station bus stop called TAXI to Ushiyama Road, close proximity and an initial fee (10 million) to go. Wenzhou Aojiang fast passenger flow of water to start, about 15 minutes, fare 19 yuan, 1 hour and 15 minutes to arrive Aojiang. If, after the arrival Aojiang time constraints, it can be called tricycle to the terminal, 2 per vehicle, 3 yuan / vehicle, about 3 minutes. If the time is not tight, the town can still stroll, and eat what is convenient to all.
Go to Nanji boat, the situation is like this: Wenzhou, Ruian, Aojiang have boats or ordinary ship to Nanji. Wenzhou to Nanji speedboats only in the tourist season (6/7/8 months) open terminal in Wenzhou's tranquil pavilion ran Tickets 120 yuan / person may be asked to play 114 in Wenzhou.
Ryan from Nanji speedboats as far as I know only one, and we can just sit back this class, Feiyun on the 1st, fares 90 yuan / person, Tel :0577-65613916, 65,891,305 (Ryan from Wenzhou than Aojiang near Wenzhou in the past about 45 minutes by car)
As Nanji in administrative and Aojiang belong Pingyang County, so the boat Nanji Aojiang to the largest yachts and boats are common. There are several classes a day. April 30 -10 per year on 10, Clippers 88 yuan / person, ordinary boat 35 yuan / person, the rest of yachts 50 / person, ordinary boat 30 yuan / person. Boat on the island needs 1.5 hours, 3.5 hours normal vessels over bumps, be prepared drugs, speed boats will be distributed on the bag.
99 people rated passenger boats, but in 51, usually more, on more than 10 individuals, sitting corridors, do not know how they are up, but later, when their replacement ticket per 150.
In the tourist season, more people on the island must be booked in advance, Aojiang Hong Kong Tel :0577-63653991 Fax :0577-63651993, can also be booked through the hotel to the island of return tickets booking.
As the tide of seawater a day are not the same terminal provided by the sail of time only as a reference, depending on the day's weather conditions. We came back, he would face a good ticket booked due to wind and waves too big, temporary elimination. Led to the day of detention on the island. Therefore, booking tickets, it should ask clear, it is best given to the anti-8 wind speed boats and ordinary vessels. If it is nine more than the wind, and all vessels suspended.
Depends mainly on the traffic island, the hotel CMB. Boats to dock, there is the hotel's car on the shore, etc. You just booking a good hotel on the car is. Pakistani hotel, unified price of 30 / person, including the hotel to the pier between the hotel to the beach, hotels - 3 tail round-trip fees, no extra charges.
2, accommodation
The accommodation on the island is not very good for ordinary tourists, an independent toilet should be necessary. In the tourist season, prices are high, price can not be compared with the mainland.
This time we booked two weeks in advance ocean hotels, 51 price, three standard room 240 yuan, Double standard room 200. Health condition can be, take a bath with liquefied petroleum gas, will not be without water or cold water situation. The hotel is on the edge of the Great Sandy Ao, walked the beach for one minute, the room which are mostly sea view room. Can be the boss character in general, if you can not by reservation of time on the island, he is likely to bring the room also for sale, we had the train was late, delayed by several hours on the island, almost do not live on a house, negotiate a long-distance N times, physical and mental exhaustion.
We then stranded one night on the island, lived in Nanji Village, located in headquarters, far away from the beach, newly renovated, and conditions were better. Because we are temporary want a house and was 51 during the period, was an opportunity to fleece knife, three standard room 500 yuan.
On the island part of the Hotel Tel:
Nanji Hotel 0577-63670206
Liucheng Villa 0577-63670329,13806619662,13906666389
Ocean Hotel 0577-63670335
Clear Water, Blue Hills 0577-63670099 13,906,677,516
Nanji Hotel 0577-63670007
3 Attractions
In general, due to Nanji from the mainland, sea water is green, good days when the bluish, though not, and Hainan, but in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area is very good.
The island's main attractions is the Great Sandy Ao and three tail. Ao is the largest sand island, the main beach, is located in a bay within the sand of good quality, valuables. Dasha Ao day tickets 30 yuan / person in the evening 10 yuan / person, such as evening activities can rose to 40 yuan / person.
Swimming clothes only selling, not rent, buy a companion article bathing trunks and spent 25 yuan. Rental ball, a 20 yuan, 30 yuan deposit, football, like volleyball, time limited.
3 tail is located in the eastern island, far away, sitting Pakistan in the past it took 15 minutes. If you determine there is the sunrise the next day, allowing drivers to 4:30 am at the hotel and so on. Generally start at around 7 am.
3 End tickets 25 yuan / person, to the waves, rocks, landscape the main entrance, and inside there are many street vendors selling souvenirs such as conch, the average fifteen or twenty yuan, expensive hundred dollars or even hundreds of dollars range.
There is also a shell command on the island algae exhibition hall, Mei Ling Temple (Song Meiling had lived), Kuohsing Ao small charge.
If you are interested, but also charter boat out to sea, to the vicinity of several small islands around town these days cost around 300.
4, eat
The island of seafood, mostly shellfish, 51 species of this season, not many, the price is not cheap, we have nine individuals, one table with seafood-based, to more than 200 bar.
In a hotel's own restaurant and uneconomical, but also expensive not delicious, beach side, and command many gears, the breakfast of rice, the noodles are also available. But pay attention to health, our last dinner on the island, several of the girls Chihuaiduzi.
If you stay on the island for more than 2 days, seafood and eat greasy, but also these species, but also regardless of saturation. On the island is only stocking chicken meat, as well as pasta, can tube fed, compared with a single species.
Author: _bbcv016341752