Second day: 7:00 am to get up the door, "900 Bowls" to eat breakfast, play to the Yuquan (Hangzhou Botanical Garden, tickets 10 yuan, 7:30 ago no fees, a pity that we did not catch), visit the Yuquan (fish big However, there are no obvious eight years ago, at a time when, and then there are the greatest people I like long, I heard that because of Yuquan water pollution, and the old fish are all dead), zhenzhuquan, clear sky rain pool (in winter can be set to "Ling Peak detection plum ") backtrack after sitting seven Lu (2 million) to klippe (Lingyin), wow! Have the most to death, (klippe 20 yuan tickets, Lingyin 25 yuan, 15 yuan usually heard), attractions include: klippe statues, Laohu Dong, thin strip of sky (in fact, a small hole), 500 Ocean. After sitting out tour bus (remember a few road by now) to the net-ji Temple (Nanping Evening Bell 10 yuan tickets), Leifeng Pagoda (40 yuan, due to the time because I did not go up, only to take pictures in the Piedmont), is at noon. (Note: Tour 3-way passing Peaks Piercing the clouds, Hangzhou, new Yanggong Di, along scenic panoramic view, but also the final stop of availability of space, so do not go out Yanggong Di), fought to the spring Dreaming of the Tiger Park (15 million), up and down for an hour after the 30-minute walk to the Manlong Guiyu (now the business atmosphere was too thick, the roadside are the gears, parking lots, the original confinement of Manjuelong Village has all gone does not exist ---- scared), stone-hole 15 minutes later to continue up to the water hole to listen to music sound of gurgling water, and asked the local people on the trail for 10 minutes to haze-hole look at 500 years ago, stone statues (all the way, admission tickets), the entrance hole in the haze of small van package, 10 They go to Long Yuan Jing-Quan (free of charge) to see the local people in the water demo Gracilaria could be 30 yuan a cup of tea, and then backtrack with the van pass by the old Longjing (authentic Longjing, it is now Longjing village to use an ancient well, on the the emperor inscriptions), the latter down to Manlong Guiyu Department, paid a chartered the money (I think that cheap), 12 yuan a taxi to the train station, ending a two-day tour, 2 hour return to Shanghai. (Due to tourist season too many people, so the morning ready for lunch, dinner can only go back to Shanghai to solve a)
Author: liqingskys