September 19, all of them within a busy post office in Lhasa. Nyalam and Qian Banye queuing to collect the money, I and my boss is busy putting our street was bought Wan Yier packaged send home. A hodgepodge of things sharing a ground, let us both look Huoxiang two gifts that the Erdaofanzi.
After lunch, car come, one by one my brothers embrace carry the sleeping bag on the train away. Before leaving, I stuck your head shouted: "waiting for me, I will come back alive."
2 people have the same car last night only know the rest, nothing does not know, I have some doubts, but also some relieved, as the original first met Qianban Ye, eldest They generally. Tibet is the case.
Less than an hour left Lhasa, the car stopped. Asphalt pavement just in front of shop, you must wait for it to dry. Bored, I am sitting alone on the roadside. On both sides of the road are the mountains, apart from a few occasional crow flying over nothing. The fiery sun in the face, the skin was burning hot, I will brim pulled down, wear sun glasses, lie down on the road.
I do not know how long before the car was finally re-activated. Road, become increasingly difficult to walk, car bumps has steadily deteriorated. After a while male, simply not the road. Car has been uphill, it seems that the foot of the mountain never-ending, always pass to heaven. Coolness in the air heavier and heavier, and finally was unable to withstand the invasion of altitude sickness and vomiting up. I climbed the roof to fetch installed in the backpack of clothes, the driver Tashi worried one who looked a vomiting to me said: "It is 5200 meters of."
That wood to reach the wrong time, the table pointer stopped at 7:00, it was wrong, and that wood sunset. Sprinkle golden sunset in the lake, a waves Linlin, deep blue lake cold pressing, and presumably the lake there is no fish. Across the lake is a majestic snow-capped mountains Nyainqentanglha, one seen only in the geography textbooks the great names. Today, the name of the owner of this great truth to stand on such an in front of me, it gives me the impulse to want to burst out crying.
Tian An very quickly, I am hard pressed holding the camera shutter, you want to keep it in front of blink of an eye. In the film being a huge Mani Dui Nyainqentanglha snow-capped mountains, I become Mani Dui on the illusion of their worship the gods of the Lower Ngau Tau.
Dinner and its simple, but extremely expensive singularity. Lake of the small hotel there is no television, no radio, and even early on there is no electricity, all of us weak by candlelight in bed before going to bed. Sleeping bag is the boss, and I think before leaving, she asked me to have to stare feet, begins with the package pulls out a new pair of socks to cover his feet, stood up and sleep.
Middle of the night, I was awakened by barking dogs are strange rooms, but could hear waves of tsunami from the distance came the wolf, followed by a more violent burst of barking. Roommate's companions were sleeping, some are great, and some of the torture endured altitude sickness writhed on the bed. I looked out the window, lie down to sleep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . Pain and pleasure with happiness, and love and hate and mad; pain and happiness with pleasure, do not ask do not want to ignore the
Author: sean741031