March 31, sunny, 23-30, Haikou retrospect, this trip, it has changed many of my ideas, but also confirms some of my views. While allowing for some reason I have a deeper, more thorough insight.
I thought I was old, and decline. But now letting me back to the beginning of a campus that calves are not afraid of the beginning of a tiger, dare to think, Ganpin, dare to do the kind of mental state. This Could be the greatest pick up?
Ching had no water to fish, people had no Christians to the investigation. At all times remain the same friends too few.
Plan itself is not terrible, terrible lies can not persist.
Moon to be useful, daughter cleared also come again.
Like, we must uphold do not like would never manage.
Opportunities are always there in the most difficult times, the premise is that you should be able to stick to that time.
After three and encourage one another.
Author: traveller1