Still eastbound, the sea is gradually blue-up, the sun shed slightest golden line, shone a little brighter light and confuse the eyes! Seawater brought a breath of smell, taste seafood mind can not help but aftertaste up!
Ship 2 hours, Shengsi Islands, the center of the town --- to the garden! The pier only a few people, most of them holding a sign in the greeting guests, I am disgusted by car, then people away from retirement, I prefer to use the pace to enjoy the island scenery!
Lake and South Long Beach-based coating is Shengsi Islands, the most beautiful beach, and beach Exalted small, a group of men and women play in the shallow water at the water. I kicked away with his wife, sandals, barefoot on the golden sand, very soft! We are excited as a child, like the, frolic chase, a string of footprints behind them, a Huoer waves erased again! Kept on holding a small crab, pick the luster of the shell, happy sound with the sound of the waves sparkling mix these circumstances, I hope the city will never escape the hypocrisy and bustle, enjoy quiet enjoyment of nature!
Fishing at sea is very exciting, with waves up and down the boat, the sea is blue speechless, as if seen through to a sea floor, reaching cool tap water, and the sea for close contacts are remnants of the last vestiges of trouble disappeared, to arouse the long-lost innocence. I do not feel sick, down with the ship, few pale. They snicker at the same time, I grabbed the crab cage, Hold the sea rods, pointing at the boatman's next, like a decent Diaoqi fish die, the really good fishing ah, but the La Shanglai tiger fish gave me down , and maybe I do not want to Diaoqi them, but Diaoqi a mood!
In the fisherman hastily ate dinner, we went to the beach, the endless night, watching endless Star. Sailed an ocean-going ships at sea, lights 10000, Glowing, that moment do not feel the stars shine. Numerous lit headlight crab boat slip between the shuttle and the Gulf, like fireflies in flight, constitutes the other side of Green Island, China is not a beautiful night sea port! Will be a drift bottle into the sea, the meteor disappeared under the weaving our dreams, laments the vicissitudes of nature, ponder the meaning of life, fantasy, the future!
From tomorrow, do a happy person horses, firewood, has traveled the world from tomorrow onwards, concern with food and vegetables, I have a house, facing the ocean season in from tomorrow, and every family to tell them that my happiness Communications That lightning told me happy I will tell everyone to each of a river a mountain to take a warm each the name of a stranger, and I bless you like you have a bright future lovers would like to get married you would like your on earth to be happy I only wish seafront season in
I do not know which books of poetry seen in this poem, but I do like it, people yearning for the passion of the sea, looking forward to endless waves of integration into the mountain and ocean scenery! ... ... ... Seems drunk
Author: zkf950501