I was one day in September of this year came to Xitang, and speaking only a spur of the moment. One day at noon, in the Internet suddenly found there Xitang, Zhejiang, we introduced pretty good, then in the afternoon, requested the good leave, a person playing backpack hit the road. Unfortunately, that did not catch up with better facilities for k288, can only be spent at the train station three hours, sitting in a trip crossing the car, no seat of the. Beginning of the general mood is not very well. The next day when I swim Wuzhen, at 16 o'clock came to mind Xitang, the feeling is still a general. Because it is a person can be free to determine their own when, what places to eat and accommodation. So, I would perhaps in a rickshaw to the designated hotel the beginning of my Xitang trip. From this point I began to know what is more beautiful than the scenery. Kazuo talkative rickshaw to take me to the hotel I want to go after, and did not immediately leave the chat is just sitting around and the bosses do. Incidentally, so I let him find me a residence. He will be busy opening two words do not speak of (you might say, 'Oh, he must have kickbacks') has finally found a half an hour later is really a (I do not want to give their names, because I think what a place to eat and to live for me is not important). After dinner, I sat to his rickshaw started my first Xitang journey. Along the way, he brought to me every alley, with his non-standard Mandarin, introduced me to the story he knew Xitang. About his own story. He is a stranger to find the missing son came here, I feel the environment here is not bad. Will be an all moved here, and another son like him pulling rickshaw. Unconsciously darkened days. A look at the time of two hours faster. Temporary parting, I asked him how much money to cope with, but he only said that looking for on the list. And his feeling like an old friend, an introduction to their homes in general. Good-bye to the day program and returned to the residence to pack a bit pack. The night began in Xitang.
Night is the most beautiful Xitang Xitang is scenery by boat on the river floating slowly, looking at both sides of the red lanterns began to ship only three individuals: I and a pair of couples. All speechless. Quietly enjoy the quiet and serene. A sudden burst of laughter came from the shore, was originally four innocent girls, say hello to our crew to dock. After the board from their conversation that they are two of them are Xitang guide, with a friend a play. Tranquil landscape was thus broken, and listening to the voice of the young in the old river continued proliferation, it is another feeling. Just a short boat trip, I know Xitang travel company calls. The guides also know Xitang is lively and lovely.
Early next morning, they introduced the shining online to see China's ancient landscape - cleaning the toilet:). Eaten tofu and ravioli Don described, we can not wait to call to find not even look like last night, no clear picture of tour guides (concealment of people with high myopia). After the third call, she appeared. Note: The Travel Company 9:00 to go to work, then just 8 points. Now be honest, I found her looks more and more blurred, and only remember one with dark glasses, carrying a small umbrella, left the right care girl hope emerged. So I started my second Xitang trip.
Was because of three reasons the phone, when we both appeared in any of the attractions, the total was asked the same question to her: 'is he? On a person? 'And then they look at me curious. I told her that as long as she took me to find good places to go, not by pressing on the order of tickets to each of them. Therefore, we have random walk in the alley where Xitang. I want to hear, when she was introduced, or sat on the local gossip with no visitors. When we come to a residential point (Jingyi Xuan), the case of boss, no guests. Three square table and sat down next to the three cups of disposable foam cup of tea, chat. Chat once Xitang stories, chat now Xitang visitors, chat friends abroad, anecdotes, scattershot purpose. After a 12-point silently. Time felt really too fast. Because the night before and the landlord arranged to meet her there for dinner, then I regret not been able to please on my guide friends together for lunch. We arranged to see the 13:00, haphazard eating dinner, we have already started the Xitang afternoon tour. We chatted while walking tour, and soon the time to 3:00. Suddenly, I asked a question to her, generally lead a mission to be how long? The answer I was deeply moved :2-3 hours. For my part, we should be able to count to the bar. Suddenly, there is a feeling, I will come back Xitang. To do, not yet thought of. Just think that will certainly come back. Leave each other over the phone in an alley in the later, we broke up. I put all the band would come.
Author: fyhtravel