When we arrived with the inside around 5:00 in the afternoon, because a lot of time spent looking for hotel, a group of people Gaode tired and hungry. B & B boss took us to the river a shop for dinner (Bridge T-river, "D" word has been left to go above). Liren does not seem the same enthusiasm, but it is simple, give us the food is very real. deskmate Tintin in Suzhou, we let him in charge bargain. but to see to not have this need are the menus on the price of 10 yuan or so. Our point of a table were a bit Deli, where food is characterized by the same mostly to do with the same kind of sauce, burn out something especially delicious melons (later Xitang confirmed the rivers and lakes in the dishes are done with some sweet sauce). the most memorable is the braised eggplant and Braised wild rice stem, sweet and refreshing, with the aroma of pot. sweet and sour pork ribs are the best I have eaten Yes, both the mother pot or Xitang "Yau Yat Chuen" in both the table of compensation than is in such delicious. In this quiet fishing village faint the night of the reddish Dengying swaying in the water above (as well as A group of mosquitoes affectionate companionship,) Gong laughter between the chips into a paradise dialogue.
After dinner, we are wandering in the darkness, in the Bridge found nearby a small teahouse closing ( "D" word right above). A small shop in a two-sided wall is Linhe sub-windows on the first floor there are a lot of old small ornaments, wood a few wooden bench; wooden loft more elegance, the window is quite suitable for a small wooden table with a couple hand-head hook four exchanges, secretly whispering. we immediately finalize this settlement next day's breakfast, tea-bit is 8 yuan / person, sent earlier. The next day the boss said if we went to a 6:30, but the shop has not opened. I was thinking that maybe life is leisurely with Liren, a few doors is not a top priority. so we visited the one on the water's edge circle, where in particular the United States the same morning, water, air hazy, pale dawn, and occasionally see the woman in laundry water's edge, heard the sound of Bang Bang sticks beat clothes, grocery store owners pushed to the voices of wooden doors, suddenly shore side of a bike on-ring tones, the brawl charge of the water boatman designated the sound of the town appear to be more quiet around the back of the .7-point half-tea, the boss has to open the door, and prepare the tea waiting for us. breakfast is very rich, there are steamed, meat buns, and deep-fried noodles. steamed sweet and delicious, tender meat buns incomparably steaming. the most sentiment is leaning on the window side of the chat is drinking tea and watching the bustling town up slowly. Mitsuhashi swarmed the person blowing the banner red sedan chair , adding to the horizon in a landscape.
During the meeting, several Zhuang men feel not fill stomachs, they go out foraging. Came back really let those of us who sweat the small stomach longer, they brought back dumplings, ravioli stew of all three boxes, there are deep-fried bean curd and one called "Green [m group] son" of the same where snacks (bought in the Ming and Qing Street), delicious to the extreme. Green [m group] my wife is a small group of green glutinous rice, with green tea fragrance, which Rose is not too sweet red bean soup, I ate 5 in one breath, not enough for an unfulfilling. All of these snacks add up to 33 yuan.
In general, eat the same thing to eat is a kind of mood, a quiet farewell to busy, a Changxin taste, a disappearing in the countryside of the Willful.
Author: helhel