Time of the last day of relatively abundant. 8 o'clock get up after the first retreat of the room, went to "Liu Changxing" eat delicious breakfast meal. Then take 4 Road to the Chao Tien Temple. Chao Tien Temple to worship the emperor of ancient officials, a place to learn manners. Tickets to 30 yuan, heartache. Fortunately, free guided tours explain coordination, and my heart feel better a little. Chao Tien Temple is more like a museum, which could be a lot of cultural relics collection, there are so occasionally did not know the "Inlaid Jade", also known as Rangou insight of one billion yuan is not sold, "the next month recovering Xiao Han Xin Mei bottle "... ... Chao Tien Temple preservation of buildings is still quite intact, it is conceivable that year the emperor in this pilgrimage to accept Wenwubaiguan how of power. 11-point performance of ancient rituals, but the personal feeling full of flaws, but only a few minutes, and left to the Hunan Road Chao Tien Temple sightseeing. Hunan, a street known as fine a way to store a fairly unique, unfortunately we are not interested in shopping, directly in the Lion Bridge Street, and enjoy a lunch snack. As the tour had even been Xuanwu Lake, the scenery that can be said of them is not quite satisfactory, vigorously to persuade the other three to give up. Because even lobbying Finally, we straight to the railway station, in the Xuanwu Lake while boating first car. Xuanwu Lake next to the station rented a two "big white goose," after the draw allowed to drift to the lake, relax, hands touch cold water, especially YA Italy. Pay close attention to the final scenery all, and GF train a feeling of something in the post-Shanmenghaishi set foot on the T721 Fanhu Train.
Farewell, Jinling. Given a chance, even come back, and look at the maple Qixia Zijin water, come enjoy the beautiful Purple Mountain.
1. Jinling overall consumption is not expensive, three days a little more than 500 yuan per capita spending. Attraction tickets is low compared to other cities. Tickets to hear Mausoleum risen to 40 yuan, want to go to catch an early.
2. Accommodation preferably in the Confucius Temple, and lively, standard room at between 120-150. Traffic is also very convenient to all attractions, shopping streets are just a bus.
3. Jinling transport routes extend in all directions, without fight. However, as recently revised subway, some lots will be congested at times.
4. In Nanking, there is a map is very important. Nanjing people seem very cold, ask the Road will be hitting a lot of nails.
5. Purple play at least a day. The Presidential Palace in front of the repair subway, not entering, it should be a good attraction. Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing from a few hours before play.
Author: kingnaka