Zhouzhuang, Tongli, and the same for the rivers and lakes, but there Zhouzhuang, Tongli, and different. In terms of scale, with the inside slightly larger scale than in Zhouzhuang. Zhouzhuang river generally only 6-8 m wide, while the same inside the river are generally more than 10 meters wide, river on both sides of the building slightly larger scale than Zhouzhuang.
The same way a small Zhouzhuang, Tongli is very wide road.
If the family metaphor Xiaojiabiyu Zhouzhuang is a jacket, then here is ladylike, and Jiangnan expose the flavor here is no doubt, where the most famous places Retreat Park, said Park, a former owner of Anhui Bingbei Pirates of the considerable and present as big as the military commander, is a high official. During this period corruption in the office of the 100,000 of silver, a considerable and the present 4千万renminbi After being dismissed from office, home thinking before.
Retreat garden gate is very obvious, just a simple brick gate, a door into the yard is a three-second into the living room also "Shamao hall" format, is generally used to meet guests and the official host of the , we go a little bit tired, still inside the Ming-style furniture, straight-backed chair sat for a while, very comfortable, a little sense of local owners.
In the third, after entering the hall is a narrow-Chek courtyard, and then that wall and the courtyard is planted with thick bamboo, with no thought it went wrong, but in fact a side door next to another, bypassing the side door but Journey Into Amazing Caves .
Side door of this group after the first group of buildings and courtyard just parallel, but both the building or the courtyard of the scale are much larger, especially the last entry is a two-tier, seven bays of the small building.
Here was originally called a cursory floor, (remember that fishing floor in Anhui, where the architecture perspective, it seems this building is in accordance with its garden owners in the office when things stolen Bingbei bar)
Retreat Park, the most important and exciting part.
Chinese gardens pay attention to operations, especially smaller in the large, can in the limited space layout as much as possible the content, reflect the landscape have always focussed on the highest level. Retreat to this group of garden pavilion, Taiwan, House, Pavilion, pavilion, Fang patchwork, complement each other well distributed in a pool of clear water around the jagged path string them together, by King, to King, step King of the effects of different shift here has been the greatest expression.
Has just come out from the side door is a semi-pick in the water pavilion, pavilion surrounded by a circle "beauty by" a number of comfortable old age old people are leaning above the rest, may be local residents bar.
Half a turn from the Pavilion to the right, no steps is a Marble Boat. Said to be one, in fact half, with the first non-tail, Fang head Method of Direct them to the surface. From the Marble Boat and then out again to go down south is a two-storey small building, the following layer is very low, almost level with the surface of the water phase, number of "Guan Yu", along the stairs on the second floor, the entire small garden to make close fundus. Story buildings built in accordance with rockery, a second floor through "small Feihong" and both sides of the auxiliary building or rockery connected southward along the rockery Shiji, there is a small back garden, small building and rockery to the back garden and clean water divided into two heaven and earth.
Xiaolou positive north of the main hall is a garden, gentle to sit in a small park at the north end, in front of the platform is open, from the platform when they can go back to just the recent semi-booths around in a circle.
This is a garden of the building a lot, but complement each other well and not messy, inadvertently plays an order, and some construction Haipo some meaning.
First, Marble Boat. Fang half the construction of the body have been very rare, even more special is the next fang itself is stone wood, Fang ground following is a stone above the building is wood, and the combination should make sure you are not easily detectable. Fang is also useful feature of the windows of the body, unlike ordinary wooden architecture is a fan of the casement window, but from the waist to the upper level by level, Yan Xia your window, a total of four. Live-fang, the outside layer of the light through the layer to open your window to a different degree of leakage gap and scattering-fang, the poetic way changes the. Fang sat side bench outside the garden through the leaking window to see the same do not have wind-induced.
After reading the, out the back door when there is to keep the human word, it appears the owner is a good lobbyist!
Author: aini520987