Early spring morning, often spring rains, drizzle drizzly. The moisture in the spring rain, the flowers gradually open, Caoer gradually green, the trees wear clothing with a small bud bud.
Today, the father, mother and I left the crowded bustling Shanghai, came to Kam Kai town. At that time was under the drizzle, in the rain in the town taste really do have a different sense of it! As Kam Kai is not fully developed, where there is a town of peace and quiet. We have come to Wenchang Pavilion area, a nearby lake one looked, Shuitianyise. Rain fall into the lake stirred the Watermark circle is very small, very small. I went to the lake next to take pictures of a willow, switchgrass has been found to wear clothing with a verdant little buds, a small very small. Lotus Temple Lohan old Panasonic, but also hear the wind gently tones.
Ah spring scenery was really beautiful, especially the early spring rain in the Kam Kai.
Calmly (12 years)
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