Shanghai University canteen meals fairly can. National Chiao Tung University canteen difference is another reason, in the construction of the new campus when the contention of the local farmers, the later as compensation, cafeteria get them all to work, so cook a little more slack. There reason is that many people Chiao Tung University, we must use pot cooking, taste, of course not working.
As you said in the introduction of a campus several restaurants compete with each other in many schools already have. The key problem is that some schools were not many people make Buzhuo money into the schools ran away. Many students pay attention, love to run outside Daya Ji.
In fact, many of Shanghai University canteens are good, there's the school Breakfast is served a "toast", a big top of the fried bread sprinkled with a layer of Saika students and sesame seeds, soy milk and pickle on a multi-eat indescribably beautiful! Shanghai also known as "rotten meat Ming-face," a special glossy poured a pile of delicious meat, eating a morning full of energy! As far as lunch and dinner, and many schools have opened a special treatment for providing slightly fries and so on.
University canteen better than in Shanghai, I only encountered in Shandong. A German university canteen can not eat, they are a kind of Da Guocai specifically called "one pot", is to mess things to put a big pot, what flavor did not. Shandong University canteen food special health, there are many shallot mix bucket rot and other cold dishes, taste particularly good, and the staple food variety, Shandong college students like to use sesame seed Jiacai eat millet gruel special stick.
Return to Shanghai. How kind of a local diet, one depends on the local availability of their own creation, the second depends on whether the open-minded and inclusive, the three local people's diet depends on whether the concept of a rational characteristic.
1, Shanghai's local food and creativity is very strong. Shanghai home the old restaurant, with Shanghai local cuisine is known, called "Dexing Pavilion", which the "meat and fermented bean curd," Babao sauce are all original, the non-original dishes is endless, like the kind of tie to eat meat 6_6mmm , Zhouzhuang's "10000 X shoes" (SORRY, I forgot to ask what the hoof of the 10000) are the people of the original Shanghai. There Vegetable Rice, take the oil the meat, soybeans bone soup. . . Shanghai is full of wisdom and taste.
Why do many people believe that Shanghai dishes not unique? Because Shanghai people pay attention to the eating area, but modest, subjects, practices, tastes, etc. are all gentle, not like Sichuan, as he was famous, it is not quite a human attention. Shanghai cuisine apart from the oil more than the other is really very reasonable and very good to eat is also very resistant to eat. You try every day to eat Sichuan food.
2, Shanghai, eating area rivers run into sea I will not talk about it. One thing would like to highlight that there are many foreign restaurants in Guangzhou, Beijing and other cities to open for some time Zuobuxiaqu, and to Shanghai to make money in general can be maintained. As unpalatable's "Friday restaurant" can live in Shanghai shows that Shanghai's food tastes are diverse areas, "the multi-dimensional" only an important measure of the level of eating one of the indicators.
3, Shanghai people's diet has its own philosophy of science and rational side. Usually pay attention to nutrition, the balance of efficiency and taste, rather than blindly pay attention to taste, a waste of a lot of time to eat the top. There are Shanghai cuisine reflects the Chinese people's "golden mean," Even though the initial taste impression of some of Shanghai's Deli is not deep, a long time, and really will not eat sick. Shanghai streets are now the "Deli" Hall case in point. Take the "tomato scrambled eggs," said the materials everywhere, cheap, five minutes to learn, three minutes can make and may be on the rice, put noodles inside, the cold that can be soup, nutrition is also very good, clear sweet taste Light, embodies the idea of Shanghai people's diet.
You can probably laugh at me, said for a long time are talking about the daily food, no evaluation of Shanghai cuisine, there are no "old wire to wire," in fact high-level cuisine where people do not make, the leisure class before Gaode out those things (of course Sichuan people in this area is great). Really depends on the level of a place to eat is to see how ordinary people to eat, in this perspective, Guangdong, Sichuan food is very high, Shanghai is not that bad, "to eat in Shanghai," is not an exaggeration.
Author: shanxitiger