The first day of August, the sun is still sinister. 7:35 am to go out, did not walk a few steps have been sweating all over. Fortunately, along the green better, a little shade to shade. At this point, only to experience "The ancestors planted the tree, descendants enjoy the shade."
Pearl Line subway went Jiangwan terminal is a 7:50. While the just-walking group, but the security line in the first row has been jammed with people. Have a look relatively empty, but I usually prefer the location (do not think that Metro can sit down at the terminus of Pearl Line seats, a car with five doors, but also from the middle of three cars rushed to the door, so you can only have a seat to sit next to the door as long as you is not the first, the top three being door, they almost can not grab a seat. and the poor quality of the Pearl Line drivers, randomness very strong, not like the subway 1.2 Line stopped at the precise location, the location of Pearl Line each docked there a difference between 1-2 m, generally not often at this point it is difficult to remember those who work the stage door location). Are thinking of the drivers would not be accurate today, stop, let the door front of me, and Hu Wen changshaoying site duty officers soon as the train pulls into soon, when I look back, has jammed with three rows of people. Car doors one by one in front of me slowly through, just a complete halt before a second, I suddenly found that I was standing two doors in the middle! I make life difficult for the driver far cry from today, leaving a 2 m! At this point I would also calm down, because I have not worry about me if I wanted to snatch a seat. As if stopped at 2,3 minutes is superfluous, because those who grab a seat opened the door rumbled with the sound of footsteps in 2,3 seconds each occupying its own territory. But even the back window of the side-yang has also jammed with people, I had to pick the sunny side of slightly less than the sun according to the local station.
Drive, and I began to wonder how today do not feel the cool air-conditioned subway. The past, a car air-conditioning should carry a sufficient, though standing, but you can enjoy an adequate air-conditioning. Car to Wenshui Road Station, up more people, still no air conditioning! Stuffy carriage started, and my head, the body began to constantly sweating. Car to Chifeng Road Station, the people began to crowd up, and shut the door does not close all 3 times. I took out tissues began to wipe their sweat, wiping another take ... ... the occasional feeling chilly, heat is quickly obliterated. I understand, is not without air conditioners, there is a faulty air-conditioning system failed to work properly. Some people began to complain that the opening is only 4-5 stops more people up, so there are more people complain. Several foreign tourists talking about how the Shanghai Metro is so bad, sitting in the passenger kept sunny window with the package, a newspaper stand in the window shade. Numbness polished wipe their sweat I did not realize I had wet towels despicably wipe their sweat, and my first time I saw my arm out the beans can be a big sweat, sweat drip down along the arm and heard vague ... ... Complaint was playing, saying it was repaired last night, no air-conditioning repair, and today they did not spare the train ... ... occasionally I have heard that out of the train passengers, exclaimed: "ah, come out, and a good comfortable ah ... ...." Suddenly, I felt that I stood in place is hell.
Driving through West Yan'an Road station, trains had already been gone most of the people, there are vacancies, was to have been snatched from the seat, no one willing to go to Block. Even standing, they can only every 2 minutes, enjoy the 2-3 seconds of coolness, but even 2-3 seconds, standing people do not want to sit down, even though have stood more than 30 minutes . Car to North Cao Xi station, I finally get off, and taken the car and felt fresh air, extremely comfortable. Did not walk a few steps and found loose waistband, but the hasp is still the usual position of ... ... do not get into the escalator, or leisurely Shiji down, out of the station.
Author: philip_zheng