Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel, weather, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Welcome to Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service website www.COTS.com.cnSichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Travel Introduction
Jiuzhaigou is located in the northwest of Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou County, located in the southern section of Ga Thurner Minshan Mountains northern foot peak, is the source of the Yangtze River Jialing a Zhigou, 2000-4300 m above sea level. Jiuzhaigou available all year round tourism, still the best tour to Jiuzhaigou autumn season ......
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou scenic spot to enjoy more Gonglue + Mito
Jiuzhaigou scenic spots: tree is groove (A. Mizoguchi B. Heye Walled C. Bonsai Beach D. Reed E. Ssangyong Hoi Hoi Hoi) F. Sparks
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Japan will ditch (A Snow Day Snow Day Long Long Falls B group C. Jing-hai hai D. Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Waterfall E.)
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Zechawagou (A. and down season, the sea B. Wucaiche C. Chang-Hai)

Jiuzhaigou tourist routes (travel agencies issued a day regiment)

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong Flying day tour
Features: This line is particularly suitable Jiuzhaigou business travel, relatively tense time, those who fly into the Jiuzhaigou just 45 minutes, compared to 9 hours by car so need to be relaxed, but the costs are much higher ... [more] 9
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the quality on the 4th tour
Features: This line remains the first choice for many tourists Jiuzhaigou, although the road is hard enough, but the scenery is absolutely Minjiang River along the way is a very good compensation, other prices affordable ... [more]
Trinidad lone Jiuzhaigou Valley (3)
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Trinidad lone Jiuzhaigou Valley (3)

Garbo meters away when the Temple was already twilight, I drove eight or nine-turn, and finally to the first station hotel accommodation.
Accompanied by travelers have complained of severe headache, I do nothing special feeling, happy, apart from the United States and the United States to sample the local yak meat and butter tea. Night, seem to hear the sound of flowing water, but the journey of Lawton made me into a lifeless sleep.

The next day into the ditch, Jiuzhaigou it began to drizzle. Heard last night that the rain had not choice but to prop up the umbrella, but it is hard to come by Jiuzhai experience. With many alpine lakes, known as paradise on earth - Jiuzhaigou, when the heaven's sweet rain falls when the earth, which is what it look like?

We take the trench, the green tourist car, all the way heard murmuring of flowing water, pouring in from the trees and gravel, winding road beside the cheerful whistle blowing, merged into a joyful song, the original water is so chic Jiuzhaigou , so stick to one pattern.

(Remember the sea near the reeds where there is a heaven of "Valentine's Stone" did not expect, or a special stone works of the modern, just like the overall shape, in the Golden Section Department has a curve of crack, as if a pair of hug together, not separated lovers.)

Then, open the car over, the leaves Zhai, sparks sea, tree is waterfalls, the sea tigers, rhinoceros sea, Snow Day Long Village, Pearl Beach Waterfalls, Wu Huahai, Xiongmao Hai, Jian Zhuhai, primeval forest (not open), is said to someone obsessed with beauty of the forest, the lake, jumped into inadvertently jump which have the latter rush to rescue, so both sink bottom of the lake, too residues of the! Their tragedy so that we can not appreciate the beauty of the forest. In fact, every year many tourism attractions casualty incidents, such as Huangshan Mountain and the Mountain, or Haining Guanchao, but everyone's luck and the will of a difference in terminology! Is now more dangerous place in the protective measures have been taken down, but it happens in the security zone, they'd been an accident would be!

We Xiong Maohai get off, I ask to help me guide lady umbrella, busy tripod sticks together. The more rain the next bigger and see the situation not a stop. I am most distressed is my beloved camera, even though on several occasions to open the lens cover to minimize the number of times, but still can not help but leave some beautiful pictures. Since 96 years, I have to accompany the camera I spent a full five years time, as if the most intimate partners, I have to bring it where to go. Now, by virtue of its wind and rain where struggles, I felt very upset, worried about its health status, they had their own built in lens cap. Old boy, I am sorry you involved in!

Xiong Maohai around, once covered with bamboo, thus the interest panda habitat. However, the life of bamboo about 40 years, 80 years, the general flowering, thus, loss of staple food sources, panda migration elsewhere. Even if the non-flowering bamboo, to see so many visitors, should also shied away from the panda.

From the car on the overlooks Wu Huahai, feeling it is amazing how the United States, is now coming up to her before we feel that it is indescribable magic. After long journey, travel fatigue, the original can go here to wash Haizi fatigue. 1 Wang Ying eyes clean water, cool clear hearts everywhere, the five-color optical flow Ching gas, it is good throughout the human cents. Haha, I came to Jiuzhaigou, or come to the right!

Wu Huahai walk from Plank Road to reach the Pearl Beach Falls, on the way through Kongquehe Road, it is wonderful! In the Plank Road on one side or the gently flowing small streams, to the other side, it becomes a brawl surging of the rapids, I saw spray flying everywhere, showing fan-shaped launched an extension of the white peacock dance is like the water, most of the most beautiful scenery will be mixed with the imagination of a beautiful bar! Next stop is the famous Pearl Beach Waterfall, and Journey to the West, one of the shooting scenes, I would speed up the pace remains to be seen.

Author: lisaxj

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service

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