Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel, weather, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Welcome to Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service website www.COTS.com.cnSichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Travel Introduction
Jiuzhaigou is located in the northwest of Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou County, located in the southern section of Ga Thurner Minshan Mountains northern foot peak, is the source of the Yangtze River Jialing a Zhigou, 2000-4300 m above sea level. Jiuzhaigou available all year round tourism, still the best tour to Jiuzhaigou autumn season ......
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou scenic spot to enjoy more Gonglue + Mito
Jiuzhaigou scenic spots: tree is groove (A. Mizoguchi B. Heye Walled C. Bonsai Beach D. Reed E. Ssangyong Hoi Hoi Hoi) F. Sparks
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Japan will ditch (A Snow Day Snow Day Long Long Falls B group C. Jing-hai hai D. Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Waterfall E.)
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Zechawagou (A. and down season, the sea B. Wucaiche C. Chang-Hai)

Jiuzhaigou tourist routes (travel agencies issued a day regiment)

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong Flying day tour
Features: This line is particularly suitable Jiuzhaigou business travel, relatively tense time, those who fly into the Jiuzhaigou just 45 minutes, compared to 9 hours by car so need to be relaxed, but the costs are much higher ... [more] 9
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the quality on the 4th tour
Features: This line remains the first choice for many tourists Jiuzhaigou, although the road is hard enough, but the scenery is absolutely Minjiang River along the way is a very good compensation, other prices affordable ... [more]
Lijiang Bar
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The ancient city of night and day compared addition of a mystery. The old town, in the shadow of darkness seems extremely solemn silence, the old town within the brightly lit streets bustling pedestrian remains, especially in the city center "Square Street" is peak and visitors crowd, six streaky stone paved road between intermingled with shops lined on both sides of the street, colored incense tempting snacks, dazzling golden bronzes, craft exquisite handmade products, one can reflect the unique ethnic Naxi ethnic styles.
However, the most attracted me here to take a few bars, Old Town bars of different styles have a tremendous temptation for me, such a beautiful place in Lijiang, where the bar should be what kind of style? So I can not not go. So I asked Chen microstrip I went to one of the most distinctive, Chen Wei also agreed with pleasure.
For the bar, like me and many young people, like it personalized and easy environment for Yue Yu atmosphere. Different bars have different themes, they just like human beings, there is no exactly the same people, same world, there is no exactly the same bar, because the bar is a place to show character, from large to small to every piece fitting accessories, bar owner bars will make their own distinctive, reflecting their own personality.
Passed an arch bridge, the bridge below the stream next to a row of Naxi old house, in the old house outside the narrow stone streets, emission Zhang wooden table with a wooden chair until the end of the street. As Beijing's bar street, all the shops are bars. The difference is that here there is no city noise and foul air, more copies of ancient and tranquil. Visitors from home and abroad to sit here, no empty seats, along with the buzzing sound of the water with friends all over the world Tuibeihuanzhan do a Xinyu Xin exchanges, can not but say that this is a great life with satisfaction. Looked up the sky, shining Milky Way hanging overhead filled the l'etoile shining, the sky is so deep, deep breath of fresh air in the ancient city of Lijiang, where one forgets to live their own.
We came in the middle of a South Korean-style bar. Pushed open the door into the room Oh! Narrow space is already overcrowded, and when I was hesitant when entering or not entering, the hostess spoke very standard Chinese, let us into the warm house, Shengqingnanque, so I close the door and Chen micro - place, We find a table to sit down.
Bar is divided into upper and lower layers, not much room, furnished simply Jane. A layer that is we live in this layer, patchwork placed with 78 wooden tables, each table is lit with red candles, beating Zhu Yan exudes a romantic ambience. Top of the world on the wall surrounded by a small national flag, in which flags of China and South Korea's largest. The most striking is the owner of the following couples wearing Korean dress photo. Next is a little Lijiang scenery, ethnic photos.
I want some food and drinks and Chen micro-drink and chat. Chen Wei told me that this little bar there is a beautiful love story of it! Here the original hostess of the Korean people, heard the scenic Lijiang, they came to Lijiang travel alone a result, he was here, the beautiful natural scenery and unique ethnic customs attracted by the way of travel to get to know a local guy a Naxi , and fell in love with him. Later, she remained in spite of opposition from his family stayed, and the Naxi young man married. And then there was this bar.
Chen Wei said the strange thing is that this bar in the city's many bars, not to mention the best can be described as ordinary, but business has been remarkably good, I do not know for what?
I say that this may be a "love magic" bar! !

Author: wangpu

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service

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