Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel, weather, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service

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Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Welcome to Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service website www.COTS.com.cnSichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc.
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Travel Introduction
Jiuzhaigou is located in the northwest of Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou County, located in the southern section of Ga Thurner Minshan Mountains northern foot peak, is the source of the Yangtze River Jialing a Zhigou, 2000-4300 m above sea level. Jiuzhaigou available all year round tourism, still the best tour to Jiuzhaigou autumn season ......
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou scenic spot to enjoy more Gonglue + Mito
Jiuzhaigou scenic spots: tree is groove (A. Mizoguchi B. Heye Walled C. Bonsai Beach D. Reed E. Ssangyong Hoi Hoi Hoi) F. Sparks
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Japan will ditch (A Snow Day Snow Day Long Long Falls B group C. Jing-hai hai D. Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Waterfall E.)
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Zechawagou (A. and down season, the sea B. Wucaiche C. Chang-Hai)

Jiuzhaigou tourist routes (travel agencies issued a day regiment)

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong Flying day tour
Features: This line is particularly suitable Jiuzhaigou business travel, relatively tense time, those who fly into the Jiuzhaigou just 45 minutes, compared to 9 hours by car so need to be relaxed, but the costs are much higher ... [more] 9
Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service (Head Office) - to provide you with Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel quotes, Jiuzhaigou conference tourism, Jiuzhaigou tour bus groups, Jiuzhaigou Flying missions, Jiuzhaigou Guide Jiuzhaigou weather, Jiuzhaigou Jiuzhaigou tourist routes such as meeting planners and service . Another multi-lines include: Chengdu tourism, Tibet travel, Hailuogou tourism, Inagi tourism, Aden tourism, Lijiang tourism, Siguniangshan travel, Sanya Tourism, Hainan Travel, Sanya free high-quality tourist routes, etc. Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the quality on the 4th tour
Features: This line remains the first choice for many tourists Jiuzhaigou, although the road is hard enough, but the scenery is absolutely Minjiang River along the way is a very good compensation, other prices affordable ... [more]
Donkey Daoyou
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I walk by the end of September at the Tiger Leaping Gorge, via HALFWAY (local Bay), and HALFWAY boss Feng brother met. Feng has developed a brother own donkey Road tourist routes, from the HALFWAY to the Haba Snow Mountain, and in May with a wind fat horse a visit. Feng brother asked me to wind the order issued by the fat horses here, as follows:

Liang Qianling year in May, I fly with the Friends of the roots from the old ferry believers Tiger Leaping Gorge, overnight HALFWAY.
Tiger Leaping Gorge scenery to fulfill it. Old Ferry River Gorge sunset, and the farmer Inn Haoyue empty mountains, talc plates rock and towering, the tiger jumped the Gap Bailangtaotian, more woody bucolic, TINA'S window with Yulong. Sincere believers OK Mix the resorts.
Out of the tiger jumped by TINA'S, look for the way Hill, Ben-HALFWAY rumors from the backpacker haven. When the swirling rain, slippery slope believers, Gengjian calendar day had to rush to the top of the hill first thing that strikes packets containing dry mouth, Tuiruan shortness of breath, a few to the physical limits. A minute later Yunkai natural rain, the sun disorder. Dishou blue fog Jinshui, monastery is surrounded by snow-capped mountains Hongxia, two transfixed, Kulei to make sweeping, sometimes wonder whether heaven and earth.
Also ahead, mountain heavy water recovery after the shock of high drainage waterfall; endlessly rising Emerald, the now red corner. Gao Xia Glen, HALFWAY fundus lying still.
Set containing Ben Yan, stagger Entering. Master Feng brother, smiling Chu Ying, Liquor glass to chill. HALFWAY, HALFWAY, there Mulou have fireplace, with bacon, with chicken, red Liquor, bamboo menu, open-air bar of the ethereal, the first toilet of the Xiongqi, Mix that "backpack heaven," Cheng did not deceive me.
Calendar 10 hours back and forth, row 50 miles on the road, see the magnificent scenery of the way, two satisfied, this may turn 28 Next Morning Shui, thoroughly enjoyed themselves in order to go. Ran owner smiled, saying: Inn after Haba snow-capped mountains, mountain scenery, magnificent unspeakable, 28 Po Shu is also insignificant. The only difficult journey far, the weather was capricious, and people rarely, non-real donkey can not be OK. The next day will bring Shanghai Mix Big Boss a tour or two big surprises, the middle of donkey pregnant, gradually around.
Next Morning cloudy, four lightly armed dragon donkey up the mountain. Steep mountain a long line of several non-defense after Wuli to fatigue. Line to the mountainside, look back Yulong, the whole silver sparkling, dazzling brilliance, 13 peaks SG clutch,忽忽want to move, distant mountains near the village to the showground. Drill the original forests, the more landslides Ishiba, there are mountain azalea, clusters of everywhere, a slope are red, exposure to which Danjue brilliant life, without the half-point powder flavor. To a shaved head slope, elevation of nearly 4000, while the mountain fold turn, I do not know several times, but heard everyone breathing space, is a dangerous road.
Hysteric top of the hill mountain breeze, blowing wishes to topple, and the cold soak bones and muscles, while the Haba Xuefeng, only in the mist-shrouded, the occasional one finally line, then the light eye-catching, mysterious.
The more top-down, the slope after the Wild Man of tea countless roads, as large as bowls. Days near dusk, the rain, arrived in the water caoba. Dam water plants horses, cattle and sheep scattered, Ran no loneliness. Feng brother whistled number four, had no answer. Saw Yi stone sheep cell, overnight them. That night wind and rain arrived, followed by snow. Four brown rice mixed with salt, the water, Wai fire fully clothed's clothes, Shishi prepare a very simple and, as the blizzard perfusion, to sleep. And Ming, as the blizzard intense, thick snow closing off hills for fear of rushing the return.
Feng brother made eye if the weather is good, can be turned forward Yuanbaoshan, the Road countries, great scenery, there are meadow flowers more visible gold red snow-capped mountains.
Xiaguang towering, breathtaking, its US unspeakable. Xi-fu!
Back and Man Shan are all white, one of the world is clear; snow pressure camellia, tender and beautiful things can not be square. Take the snow-capped mountains line, and another flavor.
In the afternoon, 4 o'clock, back to HALFWAY. All Donge bear, prepare a very awkward position, natural spirits, not specially designed for viewing the scenery, is also a difficult adventure of all passers-by in the fun also.
Dinner complete, and pork,夜话, Jieyue memorable. Hing Fat at four suddenly developed a fantasy, why not share this with fellow Zhu ass passer, and specifically to the form of commemoration? Subsequently discuss the route, rules, souvenir method details, I will urge the essay in mind.
The old ferry, the tiger jumped, HALFWAY, Haba Mountains, Tiger Leaping Gorge scenery cane line winds do men, while the entire foot of the tough thriller, but also enough to the will of esprit de corps of the various physical tests donkey. Mix of fantasy as good as walking trip also.
HALFWAY special master provision of donkey wall side of the column in order to bamboo, carved walking all over the reputation of this entire Mix with on-line map of a complex donkey gift to commemorate the charge of a donkey in order to sent date thinking.
The boundless sea, two donkeys met, all out of ass palm, smile Xin Zhao, also a fun donkey passers-by also.
Serve as the preface.
Dongfeng Fat Ma Liang Qianling year in July

Author: wilsonliu111

Sichuan Province, China Youth Travel Service

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