Many people only know Taierzhuang victory, the Chinese army wiped out tens of thousands of Japanese people; a lot of people do not know Changsha in 1941 to defend the war, the military wiped out the Japanese nearly 70000.
There are tens of thousands of army troops. Yuelu Mountain is a battlefield.
They lie buried in the Yuelu Mountain.
The Yunlu Palace teahouse next to the fence of some granitic. Engraved its name on the fence. For us they are just symbols, but in that before the war is a life. You look for, there may be you are familiar with, or the person with your surname. Perhaps he is your distant ancestors.
Yunlu down from the Palace, National Taiwan Normal University in the lake of the woods outside the wall, as well as a national army 92 military Hall of Fame. Since the protection of poor, compared deteriorate, but still there are some to watch.
In front there is a gravestone, there are two high, sharp, directed at the sky.
Halls to three chambers, each tomb are the three divisions of the Army soldiers who died in mourning hall. Some tablets also can be faintly debate. Faced with this situation, it is very much emotion.
We are not should go take a look at the war martyrs who does?
Author: zmgh123