The two Hmong incredibly busy woman, a large group of girls, whether bought or not, and vie with each other they will request header cloth wrapped around their head and try to look like they are Miaonv. Xu yi, and Joe kept the photo, Grace, and I kept looking for the Miao people as models, and their photo.
Go to the market of the time is not long, GG had a strong sense of time to indulge in (window) shopping in MM were back on the travel plans, we will have many, many to go the next step.
Also on the train to the mod pond. Mod is a village pond, from the map point of view, in the mountains east of Seoul December, mountain Town to the northeast of a pure Miao Village.
From the La-Er-Shan to the mod pond there is a return journey first, and then opened in the past from a three-way intersection. Though not very steep winding mountain road, but before the next rain, the mountain mud, driving, or be more careful with non-slip. Along the way to see the opening of the tobacco was brilliant mountain flowers, even the flower stem about the human ankle is so high. A little lavender, a very neat clumps in the hillside stood in a row. Outside the car, yellow and black mountain soil, green terraces, crystal clear stream where a thin mist of mutual co-ordination against the background. Hillside areas, there are brick walls quietly scattered villages in the valleys, the air a bit cooler, the smoke rising from time to time, as if other people's smoke. Such a scenario, I can not help but think of the time in Wuyuan Village along the way to go da-ri of Qingshancuigu. Is also a large group of people pack a car with open with the stop, three days watching the bits and pieces of white bread in the villages, dazzling yellow horizontal terraces are clear refreshing cool blue sky.
The car all the way open, on the way up the three 20-year-old local boy. Two of Miao, one is Han Chinese. From the dress is not see, and talk to them and we have to know. We are singing in antiphonal style was very curious and asked many questions, but also warmly encouraged them to sing a folk song to listen to us, so a young and shy voice in our ear rings, simple rhythm, did not understand the language, that is do not have some flavor, no wonder that young men and women of ethnic minorities to use singing in antiphonal style to each table love. Michael we are also encouraged to learn well, you can go back and his knowledge of Miaonv Deben duet love songs. Compartment, the six city and three Montagnards were enjoyable to walk the distance.
Author: chelsea12