Great Three Gorges foot note 2
Second, Dengyingxia wild road early in the morning, the old Chang had prepared the breakfast for us off. Breakfast and last night's nine bowl, like a rich, while Mr. Chang is determined to not charge room and board. Left us with 100, he will have recovered 50, in our firm rebuff, the Lao Zhang was accept it.
Today, the road will be difficult to go, Mr. Chang told us. In addition to the bombing of a way of people blown up rocks, the rest of the road are abandoned for many years, and only those who occasionally walk digging herbs.
Along the mountain down to riverside, the water in the rock on the beat, there are patches of white horses. Rock is a mountain out of a small boat piers. Sure enough, a small abandoned quarry lay in front of. Quarry blasting, when blown up a mountain road, there are about 7 meters need to climb steep. Fortunately, not so hard, we all well up after the start of the most difficult section of the road.
According to Mr. Chang's argument, this section In addition to digging herbs of people, no one walking on weekdays. Mountain people are walking out of water, convenient and very cheap. Women, baby can go out by boat. Therefore, the mountain abandoned for many years, some sections have collapsed abandoned, all the road sections are growing in dense shrubs and weeds. Lane width 250-500mm, not identified. Passed, we felt that this is the most difficult period to go.
But the good scenery is often associated with dangerous dead-end road, this section of the scenery better. Dengyingxia remains along the forward path through riverside close, very often you will walk in the river at the top. Around the deep valleys and at the foot of the surging river allows you to dream, reminding us of scenes.
As the roads more dangerous, I have open in front. The road is limited, encountered the first snake, it is very alert, wind, away from my feet. Quickly, the second snake reappeared, and this snake of about 1.5m, lying on the grass between the sun and H it is not moving. I had to shout to good eating snake Guangdong hero Sunny, asking him to use a branch off a snake. Since then, we form lasting bonds with the snake, all the way met with a lot of snakes. Snake winds of malpractice, like the Three Gorges of the snake longevity!
Has completed nearly three hours, after this period into a group of Dangyang Tau. We walk through the fragrance of the orange grove, has been reached on the road a simple terminal side, rented four "numb" to send us to sandouping terminal, a boat to go Gorge!
Section of track on foot about 4 hours, after the Dangyang sections of the first terminal is relatively dangerous, difficult and the scenery is also good. Other sections of the general.
III Gorge boat trip
Wu Gorge in Sichuan Wushan and Badong counties in the west, east of Wushan County, Daning mouth, the East as of Badong county magistrate crossing, stretching over 40 kilometers, including the gold and iron coffin Blue Ginko Gorge Gorge, Canyon Special deep twists and turns, is a cross-section Wushan Yangtze River anticline formed by the main vein.
Wu Gorge is also called the Great Gorge, known for deep beauty. The Gap area Qifeng unexpected, rocks phosphorus Xun, cliff-screen column, and continuously, is the Three Gorges section of the most impressive, like a circuitous galleries, full of poetic love letters intended, we can say there are many King, King King-phase repeatedly.
Front said, we are against the river on the left Yichang ago, I consulted a phone full of big Chinese New Year under the foot when the Three Gorges, Wu Gorge that day can not be completed, and on the provisional decision to ship to the Ching Cave after walking. By hydrofoil craft to the Padang, the rent of a 35-ton passenger boats along the river engaged in, we have 8 blue pit hole to the Wu Gorge advance.
Due to a charter, we are happy to itself: There are a few sitting in the cockpit before the platform, the vessel length on an equal footing; some sitting in the bow, to ride. Boat ferry into the Gorge from the official (this Guandu an either Guandu not Guandu battle that one), they fall into the arms of Great Gorge.
Wu Gorge scenery keep the two sides, the speed slowly, boat, Sheung Shui, walking the sidelines suddenly, suddenly sitting right, it is convenient viewing. That side of the cliff rocks close at hand, that side of the mountain again and again. Wu Gorge 12 well-known peaks, there is Jiufeng can be seen in the gorge.
When I was a holding a beer, a hand-held camera, lying boat top, in the setting sun, the wind slowly River Gorge when the reward, it will only say "cozy," and the
Author: jjhb