Wuyuan first heard the name, I filled her with curiosity and longing, perhaps because she has a unique name - Wuyuan. Wu-water source, Castle Peak clear water, and save a large number of scattered ancient villages, is a modern reinforced concrete was not a place occupied, is a quiet and peaceful paradise, is one that she can be seen through the history of past and the future intersection.
Boarded 4 Yue 30 Ri 19: 43 train, I know that it will take me closer to my destination - Wuyuan. Crazy life, never at, no dreams to Huizhou. Ancients seclusion or shelter, or to relegate self-cultivation, or to escape war, or to escape the plague, and we human in these cities, normally used to seeing the night sky of the city's neon fire, got used to the noisy din of the busy, really want to Wuyuan to a named place, in the end to the pursuit of what?
Our line of nine people, five men and four women, I would like for them to make a simple line drawing.
Song Ji, our sponsors, is a very responsible pale-faced scholar.
Liushi Qi, is a straightforward, competent, energetic girl, Zuoshi decisive Saneaki Yingwu gas cap.
Patricia, formerly known as Hsieh Kui-sheng, due to 'thank' and 'crab' homonyms, while the 'crab' in Shanghai dialect Lane and 'Ha' approximation, hence the name, but his name still living to, each nuance, a ratio a fun, Let's hear the next time one by one child decomposition.
Huang is a well-informed girl, Qingqing a word, will be able to pointing out that Ming, faint smile, there is great charm.
Lo Yan-ming, said to have a bit of Arab origin, characterized by his big nose and small eyes. Play, then the largest oil to regulate the atmosphere.
Xiaowen, in fact he is older here, 'small' Naishi mental age, while the 'Man' is his spectacles on his nose.
Lu Chao, Yi Ming super donkey, is playing cards expert who count cards.
Zhang Yi, a Chinese classical flavor rather girl, Liu Yemei, cherry mouth, delicate and pretty, pleasant.
The last one is my-Lisa Xu, born Li-chi, erudite, known as "A Hundred Thousand Whys" and the "god of sleep," so as to break the pattern casserole (Q) in the end, failing study its causes, there is individuality, seeking creativity, passion play to kill the game due to a deep skill, can be sound asleep in the very time.
Smile waves in each team member's face, so the journey began. Reach the transit point for Quzhou, it is 2:00 more. Drizzle floating sky, small and Kazakhstan and captain are eager to help me move luggage, outbound, when everyone else look after from time to time forward-looking, glance right and left, as if it is a small team.
Lisa Xu
Author: lisaxj