As the saying goes, "there is heaven, under Suzhou." People who reside in northern cities to the south travel, are thought Jervois two states teach you about "paradise." The mission had the honor passing through Suzhou, the desire to achieve his own dream. Trains in the southeastern part of Jiangsu Province, the Yangtze River Delta plain flew the car out of the window Shashi charming scenery of Jiangnan. Gray tiles and white walls of small buildings, dark-green fields, green world, dotted with patches of yellow rape. Fresh air and moist, it is intoxicating. Gradually the village populated up, Suzhou is coming.
Suzhou, when Wu Jun Qin and Han Dynasties, the Sui emperor opened nine years (589 years) spent Wu Jun, renamed Suzhou, this name has been in since the Sui and Tang dynasties. Suzhou is China's first announced, one of 24 historical and cultural city, its history before the new moon to the seven thousand. In this city stroll, do not have some fun. A freeze-frame after the bridge on the first floor is a small scene, one way a street is a close-up throughout the first picture. I really wanted to Suzhou browsing your fill, tie her monuments set and go. However, due to time constraints, only cursory, or a first look at feng Lingering Garden Bar.
Lingering Garden in Suzhou, outside the gate of heaven. She is reportedly "Jiangnan gardens under heaven, A garden in Suzhou Jiangnan" representative, with the Summer Palace, Summer Hill, Humble Administrator's Garden par, one of China's four most famous gardens. To the Lingering Garden in Suzhou is not not to attend. Lingering Garden covers an area of 30 acres, was built in the Ming Dynasty era Jiajing. The end of the Qing Emperor Qianlong as Liu Shu income, expanded and renamed Hanbi Villa, when people refer to "Liu Garden." Guangxu dynasty, the gentry Moriyasu bought the park, to learn the length of Suzhou, the garden, re-expansion of repair, changed its name to the Lingering Garden. Large-scale classical gardens of Suzhou, one of which is divided into east, west, north four scenic spots.
Lingering Garden four scenic spots in order to Qulang as an associated context, more than 700 meters long gallery, corridors both sides of the wall containing 300 multi-stone ages calligraphy masters, known as the "Lingering Garden Law paste." Lang Yanxia have Koshiro wall displaying leaking window, pattern beautifully. Looked from the wall displaying the mountain pool pavilion in the flower tree in the hazy and indistinct, like Danqing picture, do not have fun.
I join with my colleagues, after Ji-Feng Xuan, Shilin small courtyard to the highest in the highest peaks of the crown Yunfeng ago, to see the whole stone delicate and pretty, strangely shaped, exquisitely carved. From the front and south-west, south-east side looked a few of its top like an eagle swoop from the peak at the end as if upturned turtle, like the eagle in the fighting turtles in general. This peak is from the south-west look, she Tingtingyuli, Xiang Yizun sons Guanyin. Shi Feng is said to respect the owner of the park took 20 years to find, and it had sunk in the lake itself, was the Ming Dynasty, when the salvage out of river dredging. Lingering Garden in the original Ming Dynasty, a peak named "zuiun", disclose, skills, Xiu-mei majestic. Forty-five years the spring of the Qing Emperor Qianlong, was moved to weaving the department. Guangxu years, alterations Liu Yuan, the total felt less "zuiun" seems to ask what was missing, had been looking all over the office, "Guanyun stone" to fill the. In addition to "crown Yunfeng", the park also Liu Shu collected four times to the "Indian Month", "Fu Xiu", "Xian Zhang" and other 12 peaks.
Try to find bizarre peaks stone predecessors had to go, they love stone, stone retaining the spirit left to future generations for the descendants of the classical garden ornamental art, but people admire, people lingering look back. Swim in the rugged rock peaks, Qulang wall displaying among people hesitate. This tour people, like us use their cameras, trying to edge of rocks here, beauty, sweeping views of the gardens to take home, with relatives, friends Gongshang this beautiful moment.
Author: hongmei